Corey Wyn Keys 06/11/10


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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I apologize in advance if this is a really long post. XD

Okay, so I woke up on Friday 5th of Nov at 2:45am experiencing some pains that were coming and going every 10 mins or so. By 4:30am they were coming every four minutes so decided to call labour ward. Was told to take some paracetamol, take a bath, have something to eat and call back when they were stronger and closer together. So I had something to eat and took paracetamol then decided I'd try and have a nap. When I woke up pains were further apart and I had broke out in some weird red rash on my face. :S
So ended up having to go in to hospital to be induced. We got there at 10:30am and was put on the monitor for an hour. Could see I was having mild contractions every now and then. Then came off monitor, midwife checked to see if I was dilating, but nope, cervix was closed, so in went the pessary. I was put back on the monitor for another hour.
Then the nice midwife went off duty, and the midwife from hell took over. This is where things got bad for me lol.
When she introduced herself I thought she was quite nice, but then she came back to take me off the monitor and told my cousin she wasn't allowed to stay there, even though I was allowed 2 birthing partners to stay with me and it was just her and my mum there at the time. Anyway, I ignored her obvious twattyness and went for a walk. XD We went outside for some fresh air and then went to the cafe so my mum could get some food. While we were queuing I had quite an intense contraction and from then on they came quite frequently and were getting more and more painful. Within the hour I was to the point where I could hardly walk so decided to go back to the ward.
I asked to be seen by the midwife and back she came and I asked if she would check to see if I was dilating as I was experiencing really bad pains and she said no!! She said I wasn't in labour and I was to go for another walk. Grr.
So I did, I went for my walkies, and was now in tears because I was in a lot of pain and getting very frustrated with this midwife. After trying to walk a bit more I decided sod it and went back to the ward again. I went to talk to another midwife and she was really nice, but she couldn't check me because it was up to this other midwife what to do with me. So she ran me a bath and there I stayed for an hour.
Then 7:30pm, I was back on the ward, really having a lot of pain, I really couldn't focus at all and was screaming with pain. The horrible midwife came back to tell my mum that she had to leave!! I went insane! She goes "you're not in labour so they have to leave." how would she even know?! She was basing this on theory, and the monitor was telling her that I was having huge contractions! My mum had no choice but before she left the ward she hassled the midwife to give me some pain relief. She said she could give me cocodamol. I told her that barely works for a bloody headache so she could keep it and I wanted the epidural. She said I had to be 3cms dilated for that but still she didn't check me! She just said I couldn't have it. My mum asked her if I could have some gas and air and she just shrugged and went "Oh yes, she can have that." So she gave me the gas and air and then she made my mum leave. But she didn't leave the hospital, she my cousin, my brother and his girlfriend all stayed outside the ward and waited. A nurse had told my mum to wait until that midwife went off duty at 9 and then to come back in haha. XD
So she did, once she left, my mum came back, and by this time I was just completely out of it on the bed. I'd had so much gas and air my head was just proper away with the fairies lol! But I could still feel every contraction, they were really intense and it was like I was brought back to Earth with each one. Ugh.
Now a much nicer midwife was on duty, she was lovely! I kept asking her to knock me out and yelling for a c-section though lol. My mum then talked to her, and immediately she said she would check me! She even said if I wasn't they'd still take me to labour ward and give me diamorphine. I seriously felt like kissing this woman lmao.
So she checked me and I was pretty much constantly breathing in the gas and air so I don't really remember how it went. I just remember the midwife saying good news and then my mum telling me I was 5cms dilated. WOOHOOO EPIDURAL! :D
So the midwife went away to call labour ward, and then they wheeled me there on the bed lol. By the time I got there, the midwife there checked me and I was 8cms dilated! I panicked because I hadn't got my epidural yet! So I was yelling out for the anesthisist to get there lol! Anyway, when he did, he took 3 attempts to get the bloody drip in my hand ffs. Everything was taking long. He asked how far appart my contractions were and the midwife said they were constant. He wasn't impressed at all. He said this epidural should've been given to me at 3cms. Luckily though, he didn't refuse to give it to me. Thank God for that! Once it was in I had to wait 20 mins for it to work, and the midwife said usually they'd break my waters, but they wouldn't because if they did the baby would get here before epidural had time to work. Anyway it did work quite quickly and omg what a God send! Amazing lol! They then broke my waters and I was fully dilated at 12:30am. They said we'd wait an hour and then if he wasn't here I'd start pushing.

So at 1:30am he still hadn't arrived so started to push. I was watching the monitor and to my complete horror I saw that baby's heartbeat was going up and down really drastically. I freaked out and told the midwife, she told me not to worry, but I saw her say something to the other midwife who rushed out. I was trying to push him out, but his head was turned a bit to the side, so he kept going back in. Next thing midwives were grabbing my legs and strapping them into the styrop things and another midwife came back in with a doctor. They told me they had to do an episiotomy and use the ventouse suction cup. I didn't care, I just wanted them to get him out safely. So the doctor did all that and within seconds little Corey was born at 2:08am weighing 7lbs 15oz! My episiotomy tear extended and I had more grazes from Corey's elbows but my God was it all worth it! He's perfect! :D I remember them telling me to feel his head as he was coming out, and that was freaky lol! But so cool! :D They stitched me up which took ages, and my epidural wore off so they had to give me an anaesthetic injection in the vajayjay lol. But tbh none of it registered with me cause I was so besotted with my baby boy. :D

It was all very hard and very long and I did lose a lot of blood so am now anaemic and have to take iron tablets. But if I had to I would do it all again in a heartbeat. My little man is worth it all. :D

My family are putting in a complaint for that idiot midwife. It would have been a nicer experience without her making things so bloody difficult. She actually had the nerve to wake me up the next morning with the whole "Oh you had him! How much did he weigh? Did you have your epidural?" 20 questions. Pfft. Yeah, isn't it strange how I've had him and I wasn't even in labour eh? I must have magic. -__-
Corey had also poo'd in the waters so we had to stay in hospital until Sunday and Corey had to be checked every 4 hours. But everything was fine with him. We've had trouble breast feeding so am now expressing and feeding with a bottle. :)

But yeah there's my really really really long birth story lol. I am beyond happy right now, Corey is such a good little boy and so beautiful. :D




ahhh he's beautiful babe, well done you xxx
what a lovely little boy, sorry you had a crap time though!
Awww congratulations he's gorgeous. I hope the crap mw gets wot she deserves xx
what an experience! thats mental that midwife was being the way she was. stupid people. lol. congratulations! hes very very cute x
Naaat...he is absolutely gorgeous!!! Well done on getting through it, sounds like you had a nightmare experience with that horrible midwife. x
The mw sounds like a right cow!! Well done Nat, you did so well and corey's gorgeous!! Congrats x x
congratz!! sounds like u did great! very brave to be on your own while having contractions i would have shit my self if demba had to leave!! xx well done!!
Huge congratulations hunny! Sounds like you done amazingly despite your experience with that twat of a midwife!

He's absolutely gorgeous! Xx
Congratulations!!! He's just gorgeous. What a shame that midwife was so bad but it sounds like your mum and family were a great support waiting outside like that and I' glad Corey arrived when the nicer midwife was on.
Thanks everyone. :) Yeah she was a right cow lol. All the other MWs were really nice, there's always one lol.
congrats hun hes gorgeous x i also had one horrible midwife who wouldnt believe me when i said i could feel babys head!
Congrats, hes a cutie... glad your family are complaining about the horrible midwife!

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