could this be early symptoms?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Af is due in 4 days......... At the moment i am really bloated and have what feels like trapped wind and my boobs feel very full............anyway a few days ago i was having very bad cramps and had them for about 2 days, then i woke up during the night with severe cramp which turned out to be diarrhea. Just wondered if anyone else has experienced anything like this.
hiya! I had very bad AF type pains for 2 days last week. I'm on CD38 now and still no AF. Theoretically they should have been caused by implantation (which is quite tightly timed to 48h). But still no BFP. So that could be what your pains were? How many days post-ov are you?xxx
i had 2 days of AF-type pains about 10dpo and then no AF. I also had AF pains every few days leading up to my AF due day. these pains were worse than I normally get pre-AF. I also have sore, full boobs (I get these in the two weeks leading up to AF normally, they just didn't go away this month as they usually do on day AF is due). I have also had really bad trapped wind for the last week. I got my BFP on Monday

Hope this helps
sounds good, i had diorreah alot when i was first pregnant cause of all the changes in hormones...

good luck !
Hi Tick-tock,
you've just described my last 2 weeks to the letter!! I'm getting excited now!! Looking good Sara-dee!!xxxxxxx
KJ said:
hiya! I had very bad AF type pains for 2 days last week. I'm on CD38 now and still no AF. Theoretically they should have been caused by implantation (which is quite tightly timed to 48h). But still no BFP. So that could be what your pains were? How many days post-ov are you?xxx

Im 10dpo.
Perfect timing then Sarah-dee!! Theoretically anyway. Hope it translates into a BFP for
af came on the 23rd, the old cow.............thank you all for you post.

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