2ww symptom blog leading to BFP :-)


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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I kept this blog whilst in 2ww this month and thought you may be interested to see the symptoms I had leading to the BFP. Hope this helps those that are having symptoms :D

2dpo - cramp in lower tummy, feels like AF is coming
3dpo - same as 2dpo
4dpo - same as 2dpo and feels like I have trapped wind
5dpo - nothing, all symptoms disappeared
6dpo - lots of wind today and what feels like AF cramp
7dpo - AF cramp again today, creamy CM tinged pink....possible implantation! Mouth constantly filling with saliva
8dpo - bad headache, full bloated gassy tummy and feeling sick at 9am. In evening, extremely bloated, feel like I have trapped wind and very sore AF pain. Feels like AF coming any time!
9dpo - had dream about being in labour last night, woke up loads with bad wind! Today have cramp still and feels like I need to fart all the time (TMI I know!) UPDATE - In afternoon cramp died away and hardly have cramp at all now. Tested and BFN.
10dpo - cramp is back again and quite intense. Feel like I need to go for number 2 all the time and have lower back pain. Woke up this morn thinking I had blood in my mouth but nothing there, was just a metal kind of taste in my mouth! By afternoon I could smell everything, brushed Moo's teeth 3 times as I could smell her breath and made hubby eat chewing gum when he got in as I could smell him across the room! Today I just 'feel' pregnant. Am so worried that I'm imagining everything and setting myself up for a fall. Feeling really moody tonight.
11dpo - nausea this morning, cramps died down a bit. Feel really tired and have no appetite at all (think this is due to feeling sick though). No other symptoms though.
12dpo - BFP on a Clearblue digi this morning!
Thanks for this snuggle, i think these are a great help :D
I will no doubt be reverting back to it in a couple of days time!!
Congratulations Snuggle :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I am so happy for you. Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months.

Been getting v bad cramps myself not like normal af or anything, due for af tuesday, weds or thursday, never can tell these days! Hopefully I will be joining your club too. BTW tested yesterday with fmu on clearblue and bfn )-: Maybe too early yet though, last time I had a bfp it was very faint still on day after af was due.

Once again, congratulations :hug:
i always laugh when people complain their husbands smell cso i'm the same, but funnily enough my cats dont smell at all! not a very good compliment for my hubby i know! :lol:
thanks snuggle... i too will be coming back to this post in the next 2 weeks!! :D
Hoping I'm full of wind in a couple of weeks, but hubby always said I'm full of hot air, cheeky B*****D :lol:
but thanks snuggle, be nice to hopefully put symptoms against someone elses who has fallen :hug:
Thanks snuggle, it's really useful seeing other peoples symptoms.
Awww.... so nice to see another list of syptoms I can look out for :lol: Congrats on your BFP hun!
have juist posted a question about pain but now wonder if the pain like AF is now normal and good sign?!
Doctor at IVF clinic specifically said there is no pain if you are PG when I asked about my cramping nearly every month!
well done!
i was wondering what happens to CM if you are pregnant in 2ww? Mine normally dries up after OV, but i seem to be getting lots at the moment, and its quite watery? Cant see that snuggle has mentioned it other that when she had a little IB, any other recent BFPers had any experience?

thanks, and it goes without saying that i am symptom spotting like a craze demented woman!
That was actually something I forgot to list, I had extra creamy CM after conception. I dont usually have any discharge whatsoever :wink:
oooh thanks snuggle! More fuel for my fire! Did you have any bad headaches? I have had two killer ones that i dont normally get!
ooooh snuggle stop it!! getting too excited!! i want to cash in on this bumper Nov BFP fest!!
i feel so bloated, like all my clothes have been washed at 60 degrees!! and my boobs feel bigger/fuller?

ok im officially gonna stop it now, so i dont feel like a cretin when its BFN in 9 days time
thanks hun, me too, im itching to join you in first tri! althought cheri predicted Sept for me, i dont mind paying and her being wrong if it happens before she said!
soooooooo broooooooody!
and my little boy points out every baby, on tv, on the yoghurt lid ( :roll: ) photos etc.. and shouts BUBBA! gets all excited and pleased with himself, I cant wait to be able to tell him there's a bubba in mumma's tummy!

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