Daddy wanting to know if baby will remember me???!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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Hi there, I'm Daniel, Gemma's Fiance, I was wondering if anyone had any knowledge of babies remembering/missing people etc, I have to go back to Hong Kong for 2 weeks and I'm completely devestated as I'm going to miss our 5 month old baby girl Jaydine so much! (I know I'm a wimp!) but what is really concerning me is if she will forget me etc??? does anyone know if she will remember me?

Thanks so much for any help or advice,

Kind regards

Daniel x :|
I wouldn't worry about it. Yes, I guess it's possible she might be a little confused when you return, but it'll be very very soon that she'll get back into the swing of you being home again.

Bear in mind she's only 5 months old, so she'll forget things quickly, but she'll adapt quickly aswell.

Honestly it'll be fine. Once you get back spend some time with her and before you know it you'll be one of her favourite people again. It's only 2 weeks you're going for, it's not that long.

Edit: as for you missing her, that's totally understandable. I'd be just the same way. Just keep telling yourself that it's only 2 weeks and you'll see her really soon. Take some photos of her with you and get your fiancée to take new ones whilst you're there and email them to you or something (you could go to a cyber cafe).

aww thats so sweet she probably will forget but like Xena said she iwll quickly adapt to you again !!
Try not to worry youll be back in no time
U dont think she will forget you no. My OH goes away for work and went when DS was about 4 months the first time, then has been a fair few times since then, and while he didnt seem to ''miss'' him (i.e look for him, cry for him etc) he did when my OH come home get all excited, grin from ear to ear and scream with excitment so he deffo remembered him so dont worry about that side of things hun!

As for youmissing her, well nothing you can really do, but I send OH a daily picture of something cute DS does which amused my OH
aw thanks so much, that has really helped so much! xx

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