day 1 of trying a new routine with twinnies...


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
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hi ladies! i have demand fed the twins for 8 weeks now and have moments when i dont know my arse from my elbow! so iv taken advice on giving them set feeding times of 7am 10 am 1pm 4pm 7pm stretch to 11pm and hopefully they will have had enough of an allowance to sleep through til 5 /6 ish and u have to pacify them for the hour or so til next feed at 7 am, apparently they adapt fairly quickly, we will see!. With 2 i really need this to work, iv burnt pasta 3 times at teatime and got to 8pm and not eaten before now and other days its bliss! So no consistancy! somedays they are full of wind other days not a problem! Would like a little control back! new routine starts from now wish me luck .............
Ooh good luck hun. Hopefully theyll get into a better routine. How you feeding them? Xxx
Do you have a piccie of them? I'd love to see them xx
Good luck babe must be such hard work!! Yes piccies please!!!
It must be amazing but so demanding having 2 babies to feed and put into a routine. That routine does seem to work for my little man so I hope it does for your twinnies xxx good luck
Good luck! Can't imagine how hard two babies must be i struggle with one!

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Bloody hell twinnies! I struggle with one! Good luck supermum show us a pic please :) xx

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