**Deedee's Labour Thread**Baby Here**


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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So deedee has text me again this morning, and it looks like she is definitely going into labour now after her false alarm last week :) So excited for her xxx

08: 04am -
"pretty sure things have started. Had pains since 2am but like a doosh thought it was due to baby's head engaging. Had bloody show this morning, contractions aren't regular yet but are getting stronger."

09:54am -"contractions still not regular as such, still averaging every 6mins and are rather uncomfortable. OH is already annoying me asking me to ring up and see how long laptops gonna be... ffs am in labour god damn it haha."

15:13pm - "Not much to report, still having irregular contractions, tried to have an hours sleep but was having pains so only managed broken sleep...pains are deffo stronger but still no pattern to em grrr so annoying! Lol"

20:22pm - "Going to the hospital within the nxt half hour to just get checked out as the pains are really intense but the contractions still arent regular, will let you know whats happening as soon as i know :)"

00:17am -
"Went to hospital earlier to get checked...was 2cm so they sent me home to get some sleep and told me to go back when contractions got more regular n coser tgether etc! Tryin t sleep but so flamin hard thru these pains even painkillers havent touched em :( lets hope things progress tomorrow!"

06:11am - "In hospital getting regular contractions! Managed a bath at home sat in it for 2hr lol! Midwife is gunna check back in in 10mins to see how i am, bit reluctant to give me epi at the min :( which is harsh cos this is unbearable!"

08:54am - "Not had owt yet...midwife just checked i'm 5cm anethetist for epi is in theatre (Aaaaargh typical) so gunna have a shot of summat or other to take edge off as they are every min and a half atm and fecking kill :("

11:31am - "Epi just gone in prayin it bloody works lol midwife coming back at half 12 to burst waters so shud be today yay"

13:20pm - "Well am still feelin pain with the epi but not as bad as they were! Waters been broke andmidwife said she will check me in 4hr to see what progress we have but were hopin we dont wait that long lol!"

"Getting some corkers still even with epi sorted! I'm 6cms...i have a feeling I am gonna feel eeeeeverything :/ eek!"

15:37pm - "Had a top up on epi as i was feeling everything and it was sooo painful, she just examined me and i'm 9cms yay! Shes coming in a couple of hr to check i'm fully dilated so shouldnt be long now :) cannot move my legs what so ever ha!"

08: 00am -
"Elexis joy was born at 9:09 last night n weighed 7lb 2oz n is prfect, even slept thru until after 6 this morn from 12:30 las night! I'll update more with pics when i get home this aft :)"

Huge congratulations on ur lil girl hun, can't wait to see some piccies :) xxx

Best of luck deedee, hope things go smoothly for u xx

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Fingers crossed again! :)

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
Good luck deedee

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
Ooh, good luck Dee, hope all goes well and bubs is out soon!
Oooh, best of luck Deedee!!!
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Just had another text off deedee,and updated first post! Her OH is being a pain asking her to phone up the laptop people to see when they can collect it, while she is in labour! Men, who needs them! Lol :D xxx
Yay deedee and lol @ her oh :p

Best of luck today hon, can't wait for updates xx
Eeeeek yay :D. How exciting! Good luck to them both :D.
So many babies coming into the world! :D

So exciting!!! Come on Little Lexi we are all eager for you to arrive!!!

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