disappearing symptoms and cramps


Nov 8, 2006
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Hello All

I've just joined but have been reading all the useful posts in this forum.

I am nearly 7 weeks pregnant with my 1st. Last week i had bad sickness, extremely sore boobs, a funny taste in my mouth and a sense of smell to rival a sniffer dog!

Anyway this week most of those symptoms have started to disappear. I have very little nausea, boobs still tender but not anywhere near as bad as they were. Yesterday i had cramping like when AF is due all day.

I'm now panicking something is wrong, am seeing the doctor this evening but just wanted to see if this was "normal".

Sorry for such a long first post.

I was the same as you, was really sick and my boobs were so sore, then they seemed to calm down for about a week and i had period type pains. But now there back with avengence, my boobs feel like lead weights round my neck and i have an on and off sicky feeling.

Nikki xx
Hi Fruitloop,

First congrats on your BFP :dance:

Symptoms are apt to come and go and some women do find they get cramps/period pains even whilst pregnant.

Hope everything goes ok at the docs.
congrats on your BFP and welcome to the forum :cheer:

my symptoms were on and off around 6-7 weeks then kinda kicked in and have stuck, got a stinking cold at the moment so thats making me feel worse. :(

good luck with docs x
Wow so many responses so fast. :D

Thank you to all of you. Was starting to get really paranoid! :oops:

I do however feel better knowing that this has happend to others as well.
since my MS kicked in at around 7 weeks, its been very on and off - kind of get 1 good day followed by a cpl of bad days and so on. My ms has [so far touch wood] only been nausea, I havent actually been sick.
Boobs didnt really start to hurt until around 8 weeks, many of my friends say their symptoms kicked in around 7-8 weeks - so hang in there, no doubt you wil feel like hell in the morning lol

Hello - congratulations on your BFP!!!

I like you had terrible nausea and sore boobs last PG, but nothing at all this time - I got a bit of nausea at around the 6 week mark, but then it disappeared again and hasn't returned - it did get me worried, but I was fortunate enough to have a scan at 8 weeks due to some concerns of MW and I got to see baby's heartbeat!

I would try not to worry - it's good you're seeing your GP - hope that he/she manages to put your mind at ease.

Let us know how it goes

I didnt have ANY M/S at all, felt sick a couple of times but that was it. Ended up doing 6 tests just to make sure I was still preg! Compared to DD who I was as sick as a dog with this preg has been easy street so far :)

Just one of those things I guess but I felt the same as you, constantly worrying that something was wrong due to no symptoms but everything's been fine :lol:
I have also had very few symptoms, no ms, just very occasional bloating/mild nausea. Boobs don't really hurt anymore, just nipples a bit sensitive.

In fact the only symptoms I do have regulary are tiredness and headaches!

Welcome and congradulations :)
Its normal to feel symptoms come and go .
Ive only had one sort of good day the rest have been horrible :(
Just thought I'd give you an update about my visit to the Doctors.

She had a feel of my tummy and took my blood pressure and told me not to worry.

She is also sending me for a dating scan as my last period was more like spotting she is not sure if I am just over 6 weeks or 11.
Hi Fruit loop!

Wow 6 weeks or 11 weeks is a big difference!

Anyway i know its been answered already but dont worry about the cramps.

I've had loads!

And last week my symptoms died off but today i am :puke: as a dog!

When are you having your scan?

HI lmarszall not sure when scan will be she said they would let me know.

It is a big difference isnt it? She asked me about my last period and i told her it was more like 3 days of spotting (normally 4 days and heavy). She said because of that i would need the scan.

well it makes sense tho.

Some people have a light period when theres was due when they are preg.

Oh i wonder when it will be. Soon hopefully! Let us know and fingers crossed!.

Imagine if it is 11 weeks, you'll have just missed 5 weeks of being pregnant, strage!


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