doctor got the gender wrong?


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Sep 7, 2010
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Hello..I am curious weather it is possible that a doctor gets the gender of the baby wring in the 20th week of pregnancy with a 4D ultrasound??
I'd say it's possible, but unlikely. x
It's possible but very unlikely with a 4D scan.
they do always say its never 100% accurate but on the 4d scan I should think its very unlikely they get it wrong but you just never know xx
i didnt think it was 100% but id of thought a 4D scan would get it quite accurate x
nope they still never say 100% my friend was told a boy at 4d and gave birth to a wee baby girl last year, she called to say that they had said that she was having a boy, not really too fussed just to let them know, and they were like yeah well we never guarantee 100% sex on a scan xx
aidal - may i ask why you ask? been given both genders?? x
i am asking as my wish is to have a girl...but most probably it will be as the doctor said so i have to get used to it and enjoy it just as much :)
I think it would be very unlikey. However you have just reminded me that in a 4D scan you are are very likely to find out the gender. I don't want to the know the gender but I do want a 4D scan...hhmm...
I think it would be very unlikey. However you have just reminded me that in a 4D scan you are are very likely to find out the gender. I don't want to the know the gender but I do want a 4D scan...hhmm...

If you tell the sonographer you don't want to know then they should keep out of that area x I think a couple of people on here have had them done and still stayed team yellow x
it happened to me ! trust me they can be wrong! i was exsactly the same desperate for a girl - told was having a boy - got used to having a boy and then told many weeks later after a scan for complications i was having a girl!! i cried an thought id lost my boy it was so sureal! but then got my princess an all is good! dont worry im sure u will love it what ever sex it may be x
yeah they def can get it wrong I think more so if it is a girl and they say a boy as the cord can be in the way and look like something else!!!

I wanted a little boy this time but had so many problems didnt think that the baby was going to make it at 14 weeks then at my 20 week scan found out the baby wasnt growing properly and had the option to get an amnio to find out if she had a chromosome problem and I am being told that she will be born between 2 and 8 weeks so will be very early and small so Im ust glad that there is still in there xx
I was told 80% sure baby was a girl, that wasn't enough for me so I went for a 4d scan. They said 1million % girl!! Lol made me laugh and we have it on film. She wasn't being ladylike at all :)

Emma x
oh, I'm getting worried now! We were told at the 20 weeks scan that we are having aboy and have since then been buying some baby things in the colour blue, even the pram we are going to order is a turquoise blue. I'll be gutted if they have got the gender wrong, not because I don't want a girl but the fact that what am I going to do with all the 'boy' items I have bought!!!
That's one reason why I don't want to know, cos I know I'd just buy loads of stuff, and then knowing my luck it'd be wrong! I think I'll get a neuteral pram though cos we want another, and no gurantee the next one will be the same!
I think that its each to their own if they find out what they are having but one thing is for sure im quite sure none of are really to bothered what we are having as long as they get here safely xxxx
iv been told twice girl but my scans have been unclear and she keeps her legs crossed but ultrasound lady did say there is a little more to see than just winky or no winky so i think mostly they know
At your 20week anomally scan they can get it wrong,and be only about 80% sure of the sex of a baby. At the 4d scan they are more likely to get it right as you can see things more clearly, but still its not 100%. They can and do get it wrong, I have seen a lady have a baby girl and she was told it was going to be a boy. All she had was blue stuff for the baby, so i would always think to myself, right they say its a girl, ill buy just a few pink things and the rest can be white until the baby is born. xx
misty...what week were you in when they told you the boy and later said it was a girl?
it's fascinating how these things get mixed up...4d should be soo correct as it's pretty clear..
i hear so many stories about unhealthy babies so i'm happy that it's healthy..the gender doesn't matter really...
it's fun hearing these stories :)
My friend was told at 20 weeks it was a boy and had a girl...that was 11 years ago tho xx

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