Does anyone else feel this?


Feb 2, 2005
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Im just now 17 weeks...and feeling aches and pains often....mostly when i get up or roll hips are starting to ache when i sleep at night...i am trying the whole pillow between the legs thing....nothing seems to help me sleep well....just wonder if anyone else about this stage is feeling these same cramps.... :oops:
Hi kelli, Sorry to hear you are in pain!

I have had some pains whilst turning or standing up etc...I was just putting it down to the ligaments etc stretching! I dont have any problems with hips yet though?

I am sure you are doing the right thing by using a pillow at night..maybe you could just mention it to your health care provider and just check it's nothing serious like the beginnings of symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) or diatasis symphysis pubis (DSP), a pelvic disorder related to pregnancy.
i get cramps (for lack of way to describe it) right at the underwear line for the legs are. and sometimes a bit higher. I get the cramps when i am sleeping or when i sneeze. i also thought it to be the "stretching".
thanks ladies....sorry you two feel them also....but at least im not alone.... :D
i keep pulling muscles down in my lower groin usualy where i get period pains, is really annoying! they say it is all my inside bits stretching.
i am also into my 17th week and last week was horrible to sleep- this sleeping on my side thing just sucks- for about three days my hips were killing me- it felt like a whale had been laying on them all night- it was very uncomfortable- i have never felt these before- usually i get radical charlie horses later on in pregnancy- good luck- hopefully they will go away when your body gets use to your changing body and sleeping position-
Aches and pains are quite normal throughout pregnancy, purely because your body is changing so much.

As with any pain though I would make sure you mention it to your midwife/doctor so that they are aware of it and on the small chance that the pain is more serious than you think.
The aches and pains are definately starting to affect me. I have a pinched nerve that has left my left shoulder a bit sore. It's hard to get comfy at night. Pre-preggo I was a belly sleeper! Not anymore! I miss it! I'm just thankful that my sciatica subsided because that was the worst pain in my opinion, so far!
AmberNicole said:
I'm just thankful that my sciatica subsided because that was the worst pain in my opinion, so far!

Oh most definitly!! That is the worst pain I've had so far! I'm glad it's only occasionally that I have it now!

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