Does your breastfed baby get sweaty??


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2007
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Lol, funny question, but I have noticed Eva getting really hot and sweaty when she is feeding , her hair gets all damp and her arms and legs feel clammy. I know the weather is warm but she doesnt get like this when I'm just holding her. Is my milk that hot? She does really go for it like its her first meal for weeks but its a bit weird.....and not altogether pleasant for either of us :D
Nope can't say I've noticed Galen has this happen.
Yeah, in this weather Luke gets very hot and sweaty when feeding. I blow in his hair while I feed him to keep him cooler. LOL
Yeah, Sprog was hot and sweaty while feeding yesterday. I just assumed that it was because he was so close to me, and my body temperature was increasing his too.
Yep Emms is like this since it got hot weather. The side of her face which is next to me when feeding gets all damp!!
Angel is a hot baby, so whenever i feed her she gets all sweaty. Obviously worse in this weather but generally she sweats a bit.
Its horrible, I wanna be able to cuddle her in close! Been blowing in her hair too, was worrying there was something up with her as its happening even when it doesnt feel that hot! Glad to hear they are all a sweaty bunch lol :D
same here - i keep a linen between my arm and his head, which seems to help a bit...
Alex has just been sweating in general a lot more since the weather has been warmer. His hair seems to be constantly plastered to his head!
Yer... lil miss gets all sweaty.. whats worse is when we are out and I have to cover her.. she keeps trying to pull it off as she is hot.. I would say her hair is always plastered to her head, but she has no hair still :rotfl:
Doesnt affect my LO, but having him lying up so close to me gets me sweaty in my cleavage & underneath my boobies (TMI! :oops: :rotfl: )
Zodiac said:
Doesnt affect my LO, but having him lying up so close to me gets me sweaty in my cleavage & underneath my boobies (TMI! :oops: :rotfl: )

lol - this weather + BF'ing makes me a really sweaty betty (attractive!!!) when we're out and about. I have to stick a muslin under me boob whilst feeding! April is a bit of a sweaty betty too, it is not the best thing as it makes her either a)cranky and want to come off or b)sleepy. Either way she doesn't want to feed for long when she is very hot.

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