Don't read if easily scared lol. Lacey Ann Brown... welcome to the world!!! With pics


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Just doing this quick as i am sitting very uncomfortable, feels like i am sitting on pins!
Woke up at 3.00am witch a bad period pain, went on the ball and coped until around 7ish then i wanted to go to hospital. Was on gas and air, it never took the pain away but i was away...away with the fairies! I was in agony and it was shooting round my back. I wanted something stronger so asked for morphine but needed checked before they could give me it... she checked and she said i was only 2.5cm!!! I completely broke down at this point i was devastated!!! I was in so much pain and to be only 2.5cm i felt a failure!
Midwife was an absolute bitch with me basically calling me fat! OH went to the machine to get me a mars bar and she said to him next time she wants a mars bar get her an apple... and she said she thinks i should be cutting down on them!!! I was so off my head i didn't care. They give me morphine... the needle was big but never felt a thing!
This is when it goes blurry.. i never knew what was real and what was a dream.
My contractions were coming basically one after the other and i wasn't getting a break.
I can remember another midwife coming in and saying something about the strength of them.
Also can remember the bitch midwife saying "i think you have a low pain theshold" stupid bitch! It was serious agony though... i wasnt exaggerating! Within 1 hour 25 mins i went from 2.5cm to 9cm. When she told me i was 9cm my eyes popped out of my head!
I had been screaming for an Epidural for ages by now and they kept saying she was gonna get me one and then the person who does it had an emergency. I heard her wisper to my mam something about not any time for one... to that i shouted " i heard that!!!"
Then i felt like i needed a poo! But they said i couldnt push i never as i was terrified. All i can remember doing is shouting "i need a shit, let me have a shit, let me go to the toilet now!" lol!!! I wasn't allowed to be mobile either as i had morphine so they wouldnt let me walk about i had to stay on the bed which made everything worse...staying in one place in agony when all you want to do is move about.
When it came to pushing i kept drifting in and out.
By this time i was screaming when pushing. (feel so embarrassed for it)
OH said it took me about 20 mins or a little bit longer to push her out. It really felt like pushing a big poo out but with alot of stinging.. midwife told me off for shouting and "wasting my energy" but it felt so good and kind of took some pain away from screaming!
Oh my waters went when i was ready to push i think... not quite sure. Felt a big relief when it happened. I screaming for them to get the baby out and begged for them to use forceps lol which i said was my worst nightmare...they never used them though.
She was then born :) pooed on her way out but all was fine.
Got an injection for the placenta to come out... never hurt.
Dunno how many stitches but i never teared much.
She was placed on me after OH cut the cord. Had to keep her on me a while as she was struggling to keep warm. Shes lovely!
I must say though... i don't know if i could do it again. May sound bad but i really couldnt!
I am struggling to forget about the birth which i am going to mention to my midwife. I feel really crap about the way i was treated. Even though after the midwife kissed me... but thats not the point it was the way she treated me before.
I also feel like i made a complete idiot out of myself by screaming even though my mam said i wasn't that bad with the contractions just when i was pushing i screamed.. but she said alot of people do and she could hear other people screaming aswell. Still can't get over the fact people saw me in that much pain, i don't know why.
Well i hope noone read this who is terriefied themselves. Everyones labour is different and people cope in different ways i think it was bad for me because i dilated so quick and never got a break.
Thanks pinky for the back up on my know what i mean.
Hoping i start feeling like myself soon. xxx

Midwife been, made me feel better and said i'd done great getting fully dilated in 1 hour 25 mins! Feel kind of better when she said that but have asked to talk to someone about the birth.

Will upload a pic very soon just gonna find my bluetooth!


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Congrats and well done! I screamed with my 1st, it really does help so don't worry about that!!
Love love love the name :D xxx
Sounds like you did great Hun, everyone Copes differently congratulations xx
Never even spotted a Labour thread go up!

Congrats Hun Lxx
Congrats Hun you did brilliantly xx
Ah just saw ur countdown on fb and came on here! Ahh well done hunni x x the memory of the pain fades! Trust! Hope you are all ok....

Don't worry about the screaming.I got moved from ward to delivery at 1cm for the pure fact I was freakin out a lot of pregnant women and noone could hear their visitors! Yes it was visiting time! You have your baby now!

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk
Ah just saw ur countdown on fb and came on here! Ahh well done hunni x x the memory of the pain fades! Trust! Hope you are all ok....

Don't worry about the screaming.I got moved from ward to delivery at 1cm for the pure fact I was freakin out a lot of pregnant women and noone could hear their visitors! Yes it was visiting time! You have your baby now!

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk

Lol, looks like each and everyone is different and each labour too, made me feel better that hun thank you. Yeah i love her so much so glad its over with. xxx
Congratulations! She is beautiful, u did awesome. And as for that midwife... What a cheeky bitch. Well done xxxx
Well done Shauna, you did great! 2.5-9cm in under 2 hours is AMAZING!

And now you've had her (as you were my marker) I'm getting everything ready for my LO! Hehe!

Hope you're doing well - don't beat yourself about screaming, you did fab! x
Well done Shauna :) and congratulations. She's lovely. xx
You did so well and your daughter is beautiful. I screamed too, screamed my head off for someone to help me lol
well done hun :) she is gorgeous! hope your feeling a bit better about the birth soon, but at least now you can enjoy your lovely daughter! x
Congrats :) she looks amazing!! Was she big? she looks like she is a very healthy weight :)

congratulations hun. se i told you you could do it without a epidural even if you did ask for one.

you should feel very proud of yourself you did fantastic. im sure you will forget it all soon. its only a couple of days so still fresh in your mind but once your running riot with lacey and settling into having a gorgeous little girl it will disappear in the back of your mind. xxx
Congrats hun, she's gorgeous and that comment on fb annoyed me and I just felt the need to back you up! :)

ahw well done! sounds like you did fantastically!!! she's a little beauty x x x

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