Doppler Question


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Well a friend of mine has lent me a summers doppler. I've not heard anything like a heartbeat but it maybe too soon. My question is.. do i need some sort of gel? I have noticed that some dopplers come with gel?

Claire x
yes you do need gel - won't hear much without it - you can get special amplifier gels but KY works just as well!

ps. You would be very unlikely to hear a heartbeat at 10weeks so don't worry if you can't.
Yes you do need gel. If you google it you can buy it, ebay will probably have some. x
Oh!! i thought i was missing something.. it doesnt mention it on the box though?
Oooh, in that case you might not need any?! Try it without first and if you can hear the swooshing of the placenta you might not need any? xx
Ask your friend if she used gel with it or if its a non-gel one?
I didnt know you could us KY jelly instead of special gel, was planning on forking out like £7 for the special stuff because it does make a HUGE difference with my doppler, but its the microphone looking type one, so maybe theyre all different :think:
I think i have a pre natal listening device and it says use in the second half of the second trimester. I dont think this is the same as a doppler. I may just buy one!

Claire x
scatterpatch - try ky first and see - it is so much cheaper and does work :)
Yes i would say you need gel, i didnt hear my LO's heartbeat until 16 weeks on my doppler everyone is different though, i could hear movement when i bought mine at around 14 weeks, i wouldnt have bothered before then incase i didnt hear anything dont worry yourself if you dont hear it straightaway


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