Dr Brown Bottles


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Does anyone else find that they leak everywhere?

Most times I have put her bottle in the bottle warmer, come back to find a tiny bit of milk left in the bottom of the bottle because its all leaked out into the warmer, its so frustrating!

They also just randomly leak milk when your holding them..

I cant understand what I'm doing wrong.. Apart from them leaking everywhere I think there great, Abigail doesn't have no where near as much wind as she did with the TT bottles, they was rubbish for her, its just the leaking with these that's peeing me off...x
When u warm the bottle do you leave the blue tube in , I found if you left the tube in when heating the bottle they leaked so I just take the tube out and once the bottle is ready pop it back it xx
I have this problem too! Very annoying!!! X
Ahhh right.. Yeah I keep it in, I'll leave it out till its ready from now on.. Thank you xx

I went from TT bottles to Mam. My friend swears by Dr Brown bottles and hasn't mentioned leaking. Email and complain hun, they might send you some new ones xxxxxxx
I also went from TT to Dr Brown, they are a life saver, but I agree, very annoying.

They are not designed to have very warm water in them (or formula) you have to leave the blue tube out until the water has cooled (enough for LO to drink) if its too warm the formula goes up the blue tube. You cant shake them either & when you take them out in your bag or whatever you have to put the white disc thing in.

Babybrain converted me to MAM as well!! Massive reduction in colic and no leaking, plus you can self sterilise them in the microwave - great for going out/on holiday.
If they are too warm and screwed up they leak, also if you over fill, for example putting 5oz in the 4oz bottles. They will leak then. X

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