

Active Member
Jan 24, 2012
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Our baby is 6 weeks old and I would just like advice about using a dummy. My OH is suggesting we try one but I'm not sure (either way!) I would like to know how anyone else has got on removing them further down the line and at what age you stopped your little one from using them. I don't want to start using one and in a few weeks wish that I hadn't.
I can't answer about taking then away yet, but there are a couple of reasons G has them.

Firstly, it helps lower the risk of SIDS, as it regulates breathing. They can also help with reflux

Secondly, my niece still sucks her thumb - dummies can be removed (ok it may cause a fight) but you can't chop off a thumb. She's only 4 but it's already causing probs with her teeth.

My plan for removing them is to send them to Santa/the dummy fairy.


On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I personally dont like dummies but saying that I had one in the first couple of weeks for when I was on school runs and baby was fussing coming up to a feed. It gave me that extra few mins i needed to get home without lo getting upset. I always had rid of it before 8 weeks. If you havent given your lo a dummy I would say don't do it x
Sorry to totally butt in, not a helpful comment more just me hopping in to gain advice too!

Ive been wondering about this! When LO is here I really don't want to use a dummy if we don't need to, I think the only reason I would is if he/she start thumb sucking instead (because, as said, it's easier to remove a dummy than a thumb!) Every time I mention and try to talk about how I'd rather not use one unless we have to OH just makes a sour face at me and says they like it and it comforts them. I see it mores as itll only comfort them if they're used to it, babies aren't born aware of dummies!

Please correct me if I'm wrong on this but they're just to simulate the comfort of feeding? If so, as the one breast feeding I'm not sure I want the baby to have that as its only form of comfort as the action is the same?

Feeling so torn on this and OH just wants to do everything his sisters and mother have done and I really want us to find our own way...
I would agree with you Hun babies don't need them I see them as more beneficial to us then them. I think alot of people are led by what there mum or friends did. A baby doesnt need a dummy to pacify it's self and if over used can be problematic in the long run.
I was told to give Albert a dummy to help with his sucking reflex and latching, it worked in a way. He's nowhere near as dependent on it as I thought he would be tbh, my main use for it is as Amyrose says to take his mind off being starving lol. He can take it or leave it most of the time
H has a dummy just for naps and I dont see anything wrong with it. H has had a few medical problems and has been in pain as a small baby, in addition to obvs the comfort from me he liked a dummy as well. If you are fortunate enough to have a baby that doesnt need one then dont give them one but dont worry if you do want to give them one!!
Do most people just use it when their little one is going down for a sleep? I'm worried that they will begin to want it all of the time.
for health reasons i was told to give my Daughter one, we started trying to wean her off it at 18months and had nearly done it only for her to want it even more, so we tryed again since she has turned 2 which was septemeber and thought well when we move no more dummy that was january she hasnt had one since there is alot of crying and little sleep for the first 2-3 nights but afterwards it was fine we replaced it with a longer story than she is use to so by the time we finish the book she is fast asleep x x x
We only use it when he wants to go to sleep or in his car seat/pushchair when he has a bit of a moan. He originally got one in NICU as you can imagine he was left on his own for long periods and needed it for comfort.

I never used one with my 1st son, it's so much easier to get this baby to sleep. I have to agree with what someone else said it does benefit the parent more than the child but I'm sure my baby is benefiting from being able to settle off to sleep easier. Haven't found it a problem with breastfeeding either.
Do most people just use it when their little one is going down for a sleep? I'm worried that they will begin to want it all of the time.

Now my Lo is a bit older he doesnt want it at any time other than to go to sleep!!
Do most people just use it when their little one is going down for a sleep? I'm worried that they will begin to want it all of the time.

G gets hers any time she may sleep, like in pram or car - we have history of SIDS so the dummy is meant to help the breathing. sometimes she gets it at other times if i need her to be quiet. lol - like in church - but mostly she only gets it for sleep - or as a comfort for teething - she likes chewing it. lol

If we hadn't had the dummy whilst R was in hospital I think we would have cracked up, he wasn't fed for 6 days and it really helped calm him down.

I personally have no issues with dummies and I don't think it is just for parents sanity either.

Just my views x x
I dont think dummies are wrong, its whatever works for u and LO. Just something to bear in mind is LO might not take one! I tried Ethan several times on different occassions and with different types but he has never taken one! Decision was out of our hands! xxx
I don't think there is anything wrong with dummies when used in the right way it's over use I don't agree with. Again it's a personal choice I wouldn't like to make any mum feel bad for using one.
I don't think there is anything wrong with dummies when used in the right way it's over use I don't agree with. Again it's a personal choice I wouldn't like to make any mum feel bad for using one.

I completely agree with the over use thing, my neice has one in the whole time even when she is happy and I just dont see the point!! They sit with their hand over her mouth to keep it in the whole time!!
I didn't really want to give a dummy, firstly because of breast feeding and secondly because I didn't want the baby relying on it for things.

I was told by the hospital to give her one @ 8 weeks old. She would work herself up into a right state and that was making her reflux worse. the GP also told me to give her one.

I use it whenever now really. It's better than her getting herself really worked up and red/sweaty/spots coming out on her face etc.
What do you do about sterilising dummies? If they fall out in their cot I take it you just put it back in or do you put in a new one?!
What do you do about sterilising dummies? If they fall out in their cot I take it you just put it back in or do you put in a new one?!

When he was tiny I used to bring up loads in a plastic box and put a new one in every time it hit the floor but im a bit more relaxed now. His dummies rarely fall out of the cot so I just put it back in but bring up a few just in case!!
Alyssa would never take 1, ive tried all the diff types except the mam ones so she uses me as a comforter and has to be fed to sleep most of the time as i cant lean over the cot to give her my boob to suck on so she can sleep lol

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