Early Scan


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2008
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I've just got back from the hospital after deciding to pay for an early scan. I had an early mc on 4th Nov so it is 8 weeks from then, i'm not totally sure of my dates as i haven't had a period since my mc. I phoned the hospital this morning to explain that i might be going too early but she said just to go anyway. Anyway had the scan and it didn't show anything, the consultant thinks i might be just 6 weeks(not sure if he is going from date of conception?). He suggested i came back in 2 weeks time. I was so nervous about going but expected to be a lot clearer about things afterwards, but now i'm pulling my hair out!! I've still got strong symptoms of being pregnant so i'll have to try and be calm for a couple of weeks and not think the worst, its is easier said that done though!!!
it's wiered that the scan didn't show anything! I went for an early scan and I had an external ultra sound (on my tummy) although the Dr prefered an internal one as it shows things better that early... any way I was 5 weeks and the scan showed the sac but it was difficult to see anything else but it was confirmed that I was pregnant from that. had another one at around 7 weeks in my antenatal checkup and it did show the baby and a faint heartbeat as well...
I really hope everything is ok hun. did u get ur blood checked?
This might be a stupid question (I am a bit spaced out this morning) - have you actually done a pregnancy test?
(proving is spaced out by referring to 9pm as 'this morning')
Yes i've done 3 home tests and i was at the doctors on Christmas Eve and they did a test too which was positive. I haven't had my bloods checked yet. Maybe i am just alot earlier than i think, the doctor did mention last week that i could only be 4 weeks as my body needed time after my mc? Its so confussing, i just hope everything is ok, maybe it wasn't such a good idea going for an early scan after all, its just making me worry more.
If you haven't seen anything it was more than likely too early.

Did they do an external scan?

You would be more likely to see with a vaginal scan, but even that early your would be lucky.

After a miscarriage its impossible to predict unless you know when you concieved.

:hug: Honeslty hun, it all just sounds as though your still very early
Thank you for the reassurance. Yes it was an external, the consultant said if nothing shows in 2 weeks he would do in internal. But i think if nothing shows then there is something wrong. I must think positive!!!
:hug: I know it's hard not too, but i honestly think you proberly ovulated late after the miscarriage, It took me nearly over 4 cycles to get caught with my beany now. My cycle and ovulation was all over the place, I was sure I didn't ovulate on a few occassions.

Im sure in two weeks you'll see something :D
Cheers Tasha :D How many weeks were you when you had your 1st scan?
I was around 7 weeks, I had it due to spotting.

I called barely see anything then, looked like a fat nik nak :lol:

They couldn't see anything on my 8 week scan so I had to have an internal. I'm surprised they didn't do an internal!
I had a scan at 4 +5 and they didn't go near the ultrasound as they knew themselves they'd see nothing. An internal showed up an ickle sac (3.7mm) but nothing else. The follow-up was 6 +2 which showed a considerably larger sac with the ultrasound but they couldn't get enough clarity so it was back to the vaginal scan which showed up Bean with a heartbeat and the food supply.

I'm surprised they didn't try an internal unless they had their reasons but I was told it was unlikely to see anything prior to 6 weeks and that prefer not to scan before that date as so little will be visible.

Good luck and try not to worry as that will only raise your blood pressure, get you stressed and generally won't help the little one.
My friend had a scan at about 6 weeks as she was going to terminate (she hasn't) and there was nothing there, so I wouldn't have thought you were alone with not seeing anything.
Thanks Yummy Mummy and Angelface.

The consultant said he would do an internal the next time if internal doesn't show anything, he prob didn't do an internal tonight as i was the last appointment (7.30pm) and he wanted to get home!!!! It would have been peace of mind tho! :)
I know two weeks will seem like an eternity when i went for an appointment last week they told me to come back this week and that week at first felt like it would last forever, but i think the christmas/new year stuff has helped it pass.
I hope it speeds by for you and that on your next scan you see your bean :hug:
Debtino said:
Sorry Angelcake!!!! its getting late!!!! :lol: :D

:lol: No problem. Can't say I've ever been called angelface before, I think I quite like it!

I think the best thing to do will be to try and chill. Tbh when I spotted at 4 weeks and 6 weeks I was terrified and thought it was all coming to an end, and then realised I was stressing myself out over something I had no control of.

Fingers crossed though.
I've just realized its actually more than 2 weeks it's 2 weeks on Thursday!!! I'll definately have to find something to keep my mind occupied, i'm actually quite looking forward to getting back to work, then i can't sit and worry.
Thanks for all your support. :)

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