Eating healthy


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
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When they say eat plenty of fruit when trying to conceive, do they mean just for the vitamins? Is it important to eat lots of fruit if you are already taking a pregnancy multi vitamin? I haven't been eating much fruit lately, as I have been getting a bit of acid reflux, but I might try and eat it again and see if it helps for next time TTC.

Also, do you think 2 cups of tea/coffee a day will reduce the chances of conceiving? I read online that caffeine reduces your chances and that you should cut it out altogether. I only ever drink 2 cups of coffee a day anyway, but the past 2 months TTC, I didn't drink any coffee and only had one cup of tea just a few days out of the month.
Cori hun, the best advice i can give you when TTC is to chill out and try and enjoy it. You are just going to stress yourself out obsessing about food, drink, exact timing etc! Stress is the last thing you want to have during TTC. Why dont you try just doing OPK's near to ovulation and then testing when AF is late (or 4 days before) Also, symptom spotting will just wind you up to convincing yourself you are PG and then if your not you will come crashing down again, twice as hard. I never had any symptoms until i was 5 weeks pregnant (sore boobs- never had these before) but for the last 18 months i have suffered sore boobs nearly ever month of TTC plus headaches, cramps, etc etc etc. This is normal during ovulation, after OV and before AF. I'm not critisising you, its just that i think you need to calm down a little and dont worry so much. Conception will only happen when egg meet sperm and implant, regardless of pre-seed, vitamins, tea, coffee, cheri22, certain food, etc. Good luck for the future :hug:
I agree with sammy Cori.

With my 1st I wasn't trying, I was smoking, drinking, drinking coffee, drinking tea, flying all over spain before i got a positive and I now have a healthy 2 year old.

You can drink up to 4 cups a coffee a day and 8 cups of tea a day when pregnant so I don't get why u cant drink tea and coffee when ttc.
hey cori, if you dont like fruit do you like the little cartons of fresh orange juice?
They are good for folates and count as 1 of your 5 a day.
It's not a bad idea to cut down your caffeine because when you get pregnant and you have to cut down you'll have headaches - I'd say switch to decaf (I have).

I'm also leaning towards more fruit and veg and generally looking after myself better - it's not a bad thing to get obsessed over - looking after your health and your health for when you'll eventually be carrying!
I also read that eating lots of fruit and veg (and chocolate!) a day helps prevent miscarriages a lot, so well done for thinking of your overall health :dance:

While some people can get pregnant when not doing anything specific it does no harm to give it your best shot imo, especially for us ''oldies'' who dont have kids already and dont know what our chances are of having one some day. I saw you mention about early menopause (think it was you!) and thats something that is on my mind as I started af aged 9, so I have a few years less than most my age.
I hate it when people say to me that age isnt a factor, it bloody well is!!! So I'm going to continue doing what I can to get a healthy baby one day and I agree with the others to chill a bit, but I know it's exciting when you're on a quest! :hug:
Cori said:
When they say eat plenty of fruit when trying to conceive, do they mean just for the vitamins? Is it important to eat lots of fruit if you are already taking a pregnancy multi vitamin? I haven't been eating much fruit lately, as I have been getting a bit of acid reflux, but I might try and eat it again and see if it helps for next time TTC. .

Generally keeping healthy and eating lots of fruit and veg can only be a good thing but I wouldn't think it increases your chances of conception.

Cori said:
Also, do you think 2 cups of tea/coffee a ady will reduce the chances of conceiving? I read online that caffeine reduces your chances and that you should cut it out altogether. I only ever drink 2 cups of coffee a day anyway, but the past 2 months TTC, I didn't drink any coffee and only had one cup of tea just a few days out of the month.

Same with coffee, drinking 2 cups a day will nto affect conception at all - I would say you would have to be drinking vast amounts for it to affect fertility.

I know you want to do as much as you can to conceive but really these eating habits won't help you conceive any more so that just good old fashioned bd lol but it will make you feel better by being healthy and it will certainly be a good thing for you overall. :hug:
Thanks everyone. I must sound like a right nutcase, lol! :wall:

HollyHobby, I don't touch deacaf since I read this online:
'The health side effects of decaffeinated beverages are just as widely debated as the effects of beverages containing caffeine. Moderate amounts are unlikely to cause any negative health effects. However, there are other compounds in some decaffeinated teas and coffee that could further irritate existing ulcers and frequency of heartburn.
DON’T be fooled by decaffeinated tea or coffee. The way in which they remove the caffeine is by using a chemical called 1,1,1 - Trichloroethane, you probably know it better as Tippex thinners and it is highly carcinogenic. There is a new process whereby the tea or coffee is passed through superheated steam to remove the caffeine, but this severely affects the taste.
Safety data for 1,1,1-trichloroethane
Harmful by inhalation, ingestion and through skin absorption. Irritant. Possible mutagen. Possible risk of harm to the unborn child. Prolonged exposure may cause dermatitis. Toxic gases are evolved on combustion.'

So it seems that decaf drinks are worse for you than regular. Same with artificial sweetners, I don't touch those either.

Yeah, I think that's why I'm so obsessed about the whole thing, cos my biological clock is ticking and I might follow in my mum's footsteps and start the menopause at 40. Plus, I'd like to have at least one child before I'm 35 if I can.

I think I would be less stressed if I didn't restrict what I ate and drank, so I might just have a cup of coffee if I fancy one if it's not gonna reduce my chances of conceiving, lol. I hardly drink alcohol anyway, so I won't miss that. And I don't smoke. So I'll just carry on as normal and try and relax.
Mmm tipex thinners, my fav beverage :rotfl:

I dont get worried about all these scares, but i have switched to real sugar rather than sweetners fow now as the cals are negligeable.
You can read about why you shouldnt ever use a microwave too, but it just ends up bordering on the ridiculous - you would never eat or drink anything ever again.

Common sense really is the best. I did read though that eating a bad diet can result in bad morning sickness - soemthign about those who ate a fatty diet before they got pregnant had the worst morning sickness, so it matters now.
I've heard that microwaves are bad, but I don't like food done in the microwave anyway, so I don't have to worry about that, lol.

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