Ella's kitchen sachets


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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L/o has tried one sachet and it's gone down well :) my question is how much do you give in one sitting? He only has a few mouthfuls to satisfy him as he doesn't seem to be lasting out between bottle feeds anymore (had to give up bf a couple of weeks ago due to his dairy/lactose/to be confirmed issues :(
Iv given Will a couple this week and he really likes them
But like u just a few spoonfuls each time xx
I was looking at those today, might give them a go!
AJ used to have these he absolutly loved them! sat there in he's bumbo seat with a bib on squeazing the food out as he wanted it!!! will be using them again!
Just organic baby food that comes in a sachets and with some interesting flavours lol x
Ooh am going to look these up!

You ladies weaning now?

I've started trying him with tastes of it. His bottles don't seem to be satisfying him - maybe it's just a growth spurt but it's not like him tbh so I'm wondering if it's weaning that is actually needed. He's enjoying the puree though and at 6 months we'll start on finger foods

Answer in short, tentatively weaning but scared :lol: xx
Ah cool! Bet they pull some right faces getting to taste something different! Keep me posted how you get on.xxx
I expected Will to be unsure but he really took to them! Iv given them every now and then just tobtry him out so far xx
Just a warning, these are lush but you may find your baby won't eat your purées after these. If you look at the ingredients the majority have apple as there greatest amount, so they are very sweet.
My lo actually prefers more savoury purees. I made my own (AK recipes) and a lot of them do contain sweet potato so are slightly sweet but when ever I've tried to give him apple or apple and blueberry (Also home made) he makes the funniest faces and spits it all back out!! LOL. I prefer savoury things too though so I guess he's got my tastes :D

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