Expecting/had twins??

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Hi, I was wondering if any ladies who are having twins or have had them could tell that they were carrying twins before it got confirmed by the ultrasound?
I only ask as there is a history of twins in my family and this is my first pregnancy so i dont know if what im feeling is normal for a single baby or whethr I am carrying twins? I am soooooo exhausted all the time, which i know is common for most people and I dont really have anything to compare it to so it could just be normal rather than because Im carrying twins, but I have also gained more weight than normal for the 1st trimester - I cant fit into any of my clothes that fit round the waist or do up any of my tops and I have been eating really healthily and going to the gym (Im 9 weeks gone). Everyone keeps saying "oo it could be twins" and I dismissed it at first but now Im thinking they might be right!! The only thing is that I havent really suffered much from sickness. Iget a bit nauseaus now and again but nothing too major. Severe headaches though and quite bad dizziness. What do you think???
Me too!

I am obsessed with the fact i am having twins ( i dont want to!) as i am huge and already showing at not even 8 weeks! I feel terrible and have beed bed ridden at times already, my dd was not like this at all and i felt great when i had her. I am being sick all the time and my tummy is really hard.

I have a scan thursday for dating and hopefully they will say only one in there :rotfl:

Ive even had dreams about twins and triplets!!
there are 15 sets of twins in my family on my mums side and my dads side, plus my dad is a twin and all his brothers and sisters.
so i was convinced i was next in line for twins, and i had it in my head that it was going to be twins so that i wouldnt be too shocked if it was.

anyway i went for an early scan at 6 weeks and i made the nurse double check that there was only one and she said to me, why are you panicking, and i told her about the twins and she said oh ok then ill just check behind it to see if one is hiding! lol

my sister has twin girls who were born in february 2006 and they were born 12 weeks early but there both fine now..

im sure that if your expecting twins then sickness is really bad and symptoms almost double..

but saying that, my ex's sister found out she was expecting her 4th child, and was convinced it was twins due to the increased symptoms, but turns out it was just one.

so i thinkn the only way to be certain is waiting for you scan xx
My scan is not til the 15th of August which seems years away!! If I carry on at this rate by the time I go for my scan I will look 5 months pregnant!!! :rotfl:
Kimbo said:
there are 15 sets of twins in my family on my mums side and my dads side, plus my dad is a twin and all his brothers and sisters.

so i thinkn the only way to be certain is waiting for you scan xx

My goodness your family must be huge!!! It must cost you a fortune at Christmas!! :D

Yeah I suppose the only way to know for sure is to wait for a scan. Its just that its nearly a month away and I want to know now!!! Not that Im imaptient or anything... :lol:
We were told we had a 67% chance of twins as so many in our families. I wasnt this huge with Isla so think it may be twins, i so hope its not.

I had a scan last week but their policy is not to show you the screen or tell you how many babies as they do terminations too, so dont want you to see it. The sonographer jusy said hmmmm a lot and made me wonder, they said i was 7 weeks but didnt tell me any more.

I cant afford twins and only have 3 bedrooms, we wont all fit, plus i'm not ready for 4 children in the car and house dirving me nuts..... :rotfl:
J-Do1979 said:
Kimbo said:
there are 15 sets of twins in my family on my mums side and my dads side, plus my dad is a twin and all his brothers and sisters.

so i thinkn the only way to be certain is waiting for you scan xx

My goodness your family must be huge!!! It must cost you a fortune at Christmas!! :D

Yeah I suppose the only way to know for sure is to wait for a scan. Its just that its nearly a month away and I want to know now!!! Not that Im imaptient or anything... :lol:

lol well my grandma (dads mum) had 13 children, 12 twins (6 pairs!!) :shock:

and my great grandma had twins, and my aunty had twins!

yeah christmas can be an expensive do, but when me and my 100+ cousins (haha) were younger, all the adults agreed they wouldnt buy for each other because theres so many!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
plus my step sister had them last year, but shes not blood related, but still adds to the family!
was so relieved when they said one :cheer:
kellysomer said:
We were told we had a 67% chance of twins as so many in our families. I wasnt this huge with Isla so think it may be twins, i so hope its not.

I had a scan last week but their policy is not to show you the screen or tell you how many babies as they do terminations too, so dont want you to see it. The sonographer jusy said hmmmm a lot and made me wonder, they said i was 7 weeks but didnt tell me any more.

I dont understand why you dont have the right to know what is in your own belly??! How can they not tell you if you are carrying twins or let you even see the screen - I cant believe that!! Is that a regular policy because I will be really disappointed if I cant see the screen when I go for my scan :?
[quote="Kimbo lol well my grandma (dads mum) had 13 children, 12 twins (6 pairs!!) :shock:

and my great grandma had twins, and my aunty had twins!

yeah christmas can be an expensive do, but when me and my 100+ cousins (haha) were younger, all the adults agreed they wouldnt buy for each other because theres so many![/quote]

OMG!!!! Thats amazing!! And I thought I had a big family!! At least there will be no shortage of babysitters for you!! :D
lol yeah but they're all a bit spread out now.
some are in blackburn (where i am), some are in cheshire, some in manchester and some in jersey.
get free holidays to jersey though so all good :D
my 12 week scan i disnt see much..alex did but she just said lay bk and relax.. then said right u can get up now..im gonan b looking at 20 weeks i can tell u that!
I live not far from you in Rochdale and I used to live in Wilmslow, Cheshire so the odds are I have probably met one of your family as its so big!! :lol:
OMG now you guys have really got me going. At my 5 week scan the doc said the splodge looked very small and that could be twins!! Plus my symptoms of sickness and tiredness have been awful all the way through AND I'm huge.. I hope my scan on Thursday doesnt reveal twins (faint).. well there isnt any twins on mine or hubbys side that I know of anyway!
lol well the majority of them have the challenger surname! look for the big noses aswell cos challengers are famous for that hehe im one of the lucky ones tho, i escaped the honker :lol:
So you escaped having twins AND the big honker??!! I bet your family love you!!! :rotfl:
yeah im the black sheep of the family! lol

my cousin (my dads twin sister's daughter!) has just found out shes 8 weeks pregnant and she's having twins!
its crazy lol
Bloody hell!! You had best be careful otherwise they will come and cart the lot of you off for scientific experimentation!!!
J-Do1979 said:
Bloody hell!! You had best be careful otherwise they will come and cart the lot of you off for scientific experimentation!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
oh that made me laugh haha!

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