Experiences of IUI


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Hi ladies,

I have my first private apt on Saturday to investigate IUI.

I've been referred by my doctor to an NHS fertility hospital and when I went the consultant said he'd recommend straight IVF and would not waste time on anything else. This was in Sept and gave me hope but I went for tests in Dec and they basically said we'll be seen in Spring and they cannot say how long treatment would be after that.

So I've decided to be proactive and look into IUI. I posted another thread about follicles and some of the ladies have a lot of experienced of IUI. My questions are;

1) if I'm dues to ovulate around the 24th Jan does that give me enough time to have IUI this cycle if my first private consultation is Saturday?

2) I have unexplained infertility, should I ask to try a non-medicated cycle this month or go with the fertility drugs straight away?

3) has anyone had success with IUI?

Sorry for all the questions!

Thanks so much and good luck to us all!!!

Hi hon

Have you had a hycosy or HSG done yet?? If not they will probably advise that before you start IUI.

Your post is very interesting as we are the opposite. Our private clinic told us to forget IUI and go straight for IVF. I did ask some questions about IUI and they were okay for us to try it but they did not recommend. We have unexplained infertility as well. We are now going through the NHS and are hoping that they will try us on IUI and that the wait is not too long. We live in Essex.

As far as i know you can have IUI with or without injections. If your Hycosy/HSG was clear then we were told that because I ovulate naturally then the first attempt would be done without injections. I do know that some women do have injections in the lead up to ovulation though.

I know there are a few ladies on here who have tried IUI and it was not successful but i do know one person who fell pregnant with IUI and her baby was born recently. It can be successful.

I was quite taken aback when the private clinic did not recommend IUI, they said mild IVF as the success rates were higher and because they know I ovulate. I was worried about over stumulation but the drugs are less invasive although I won't know how I feel until i go through it.

Good luck with your private appointment. I found them really helpful. Let me know what they suggest. I am interested as we have unexplained infertility too.

Love Gizzy xxx
Hi Gizzy,

I'll update you on Sat after my apt. I've had a whole series of tests on the NHS but I'm not sure I've had the HSG. I did have my blood taken on Friday to test AHL levels.

I know EmilyB has been through IUI and is going through her 2nd cycle, she says the chances of success for couples with unexplained fertility can be as high as 40 to 50% if there is a course of treatment over 3/4 months. I guess the cost would be as much with IVF if IUI is done over several cycles but I'm keeping all options open.

I read about the mild IVF today, I had no idea that existed! I'm really looking forward to seeing what this doctor says on Saturday, it will be nice not to feel like I'm an inconvenience for a change!

When do you have your next apt with the NHS? Do you know how long the mild IVF cycle takes?

Hi hon

The HSG or Hycosy is where they put salene through your tubes via a cathetar to check for any blockages. I am pretty sure you will have to have that done before undergoing IUI. It is a very simple proceedure though and painless. This is what we were told if we wanted to try IUI.

You won't need a hycosy or HSG done if you go straight for IVf as it does not matter whether your tubes are blocked.

I did not realise that the success with IUI was quite high for unexplained infertility. That is good to hear.

I will prob get my Hycosy done next week and then we go back to see our NHS doctor at the beggining of March.

The private clinic told us that if we want to try mild IVF (cheaper than standard IVF as the drugs are less invasive) then we could start in January at the start of my next cycle and i could be pregnant by February so it only takes one month. We did not go down that road this month as we want to see what the waiting lists are for IVF on the NHS. My friend who see the same specialist at the same NHS hospital in Essex has been referred for IVF and she has been told the wait is 12 weeks which is very very good. (she does have PCOS and has recently undergone Ovarian Drlling and her hubby has a low sperm count to that may be why she does not have to wait so long) If they tell us that the wait is much longer than 12 weeks then we will prob go straight for IVF and pay privately. I suspect the wait will be longer for us as we have explained infertility and we have only been TTC for coming up 2.5 years.

Do let me know what your specialist says about IUI. The private clinic did not tell us about those success rates for IUI, but we are aware that the costs of IUI was around £750 whereas if we went for mild IVF then we were looking at around £4,500. So if there is a better chance than we thought we may consider it first.

Do you mean AMH level?? I have never heard of AHL levels.

Love Gizzy xxxxx
Hi Gizzy,

I do mean AMH level, I'm losing the plot with all of this! Got a pig of a period today, horrid pain and I'm really feeling sorry for myself!! I know things could be so much worse and I have so much respect for people tackling fertility issues.

I'm going to keep an open mind about Saturday. I'm excited that I have a plan and the thought of being pregnant soon makes me so happy!! I truly hope everyone gets their dream and you get yours soon! 12 weeks is so good, I just don't want to go in Spring and have another 12 weeks to wait after that as I think I'd be a nut job by then!!

I'm going to take notes in my consultation so I don't forget anything. I'll keep you posted!
Hi Joey

Just to say that I think IUI without meds is for people who are using donor sperm and therefore assuming there are no problems. Since we have a problem somewhere I would say natural IUI is a waste of money - apparently it is effective for unexplained infertility when used with mediation which boosts eggs numbers, womb lining and support the luteal phase therefore hopefully counteracting any possible problem.

With regard to starting IUI as Gizzy said, they'll want to make sure your tubes are clear and we also had to have loads of tests to check for STIs etc so it took a few weeks to be good to go this time around - our first clinic was much more relaxed but I prefer this one - they are leaving no stone unturned!

Re my IUI cycle, well there is a possibility it might be cancelled as I have 4 possible mature follicles. I think the maximum they want is 3 so bother blood test tomorrow and a scan on Wednesday at which they will know how many are ready to ov - really hope there is 2 or 3 and no more!

At least I know I am responding well to gonal-f and they can just reduce doses for next cycle but fingers crossed it will be ok for this one! Will keep you posted. Good luck for Saturday!

Lots of love xx
Hi, Ive not ovulated since February after a mc and have been given clomid and now letrozole which to date havent worked. Ive now been referred for IUI on the NHS but know really the reason for this is because its the far cheaper option. I have been told its a 2 year waiting list for IUI too !!! If I could choose as far as Im aware IVF is the higher succes rate and would take that but unfortunately Im not in a position to pay. Id read up n both! See what your waiting list for IVF is on the NHS.
Thanks for the info Emily, it will really help me on Saturday. I truly hope your scan shows the right amount of follicles, if it shows that there are 4 will you ovulate naturally as normal? If so bd like crazy and this might just be your lucky cycle!! It really hit home when you mentioned about non medicated cycle being for people with no issues as I thought to myself that he would say that I have no issues as its unexplained fertility. I know it's mental but it's made me feel better that this is an issue and I need all the help I can get. I'll update you on everything the doc tells me. Best of luck with this cycle, I'm so excited for you!!!

Laura I can't believe it's a 2 year waiting list even for IUI, it's a joke!! I'm so sorry about your mc and not ovulating, I truly hope things work out for you and soon!

Hi hon def take a list of questions a pen and paper. I took notes too xxc
Hi Joey - sorry I didn't mean to upset you :( unexplained infertility just means they haven't found the reason why our chances are lower than normal every month. It doesnt mean its impossible to get pregnant thou - everything is good to go, it just isn't! So with the right medication and IUI this could be just what is needed to ensure everything slots into place. Our consultant said that with most people there is a 20% chance of conceiving every month which is why most people get pregnant within a year. For those who have unexplained infertility, it can still happen but the chances are reduced to say 2% a month so it takes longer and sometimes without intervention, it simply doesnt. IUI just gets the sperm to the right place (hence people who use sperm donors use just IUI because then they (mostly) naturally have a 20% chance of the egg sticking. With unexplained if you are on the right medication too this increases the eggs, helps the lining, supports the luteal phase etc and all these things get us up to the 20% chance rate too!

IVF is more successful than IUI because the egg and sperm are fertilised before the embryo is put back in - so its the just the implanting that needs to happen naturally. With IUI, the egg and sperm need to fertilise naturally too and that, of course, could be the "unexplained" problem.

I think they will let us do IUI with 2 - 3 mature eggs and i am feeling positive that thats what they will see on the scan tomorrow.

Keep me posted with your progress and I'll do the same xx
Hey Gizzy, will do, should I be asking any specific questions or just be guided by the doctor? Thanks Emily, the info you gave me was v helpful and not upsetting at all!! I'm just so grateful to be able to get advice from people who have first hand experience!

How was your scan today?!

I kept a pen and paper on my desk and the few days before every time I thought of somethin. I would write it down. The main question I had was where do we go from here??? What treatment options did we have? I also asked about Iui and ivf and the success rates for us both. Good luck hon xxxxxxx
Thanks petal! Just having a bulb at one born, I love it!!

Consultant is happy to go ahead! IUI on friday!
Fantastic!!!! I'm so pleased for you hon, I feel so excited for you!

Good luck!!


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