Expressing question while BF

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Hi girls,

I was breastfeeding one side for 10-15 mins for Devon at each feed, but couldn't get him back on again after winding (he drops off himself after the 15 mins or I would keep going).

I have loads of milk , so started expressing each evening after a feed as the hospital wanted me to top him up with bottle of forumla to help flush out the jaundice from my antibodies. I didn't want him to have non Breastmilk yet f possible so stuarted expressing.

I got 5 oz at a go , (both sides combined tho).

The comunity midwife told me to leave expressing for the time being so my boobs settled down as they were huge and sore , and then if I ever did it, to do it only at the same time as baby feeding on the other to trick my body into thinking I was not doing an extra feed ?!

Any one else been told this? It would be handy to express but not increase my milk supply too much as I am getting lots of milk ?

Thanks for your help
I'm not sure but going to try and go to my local breast feeding group tomorrow morning and most of the questions I have are about expressing and how best to do it so if I get any answers I'll let you know :)
hmm JJ i dont know if youve been told right, not necessarily wrong though if that makes sense, i think you should express whenever you are most full ie in the mornings or in the bath! thats what ive always thought, i was gonna express in the mornings if i found i had lots of milk. so annoying with all conflicting advice really, i think i would use the expressed milk to top up too rather than buying formula! completely personal preference and opinion though x
maybe cos your body is working out how to adjust your supply to fit baby it's best to express while feeding to start with?

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