Feeling funny


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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At 4pm today i had started feeling quite unwell, as in dizzy, sick, tired - my eyes even went all fuzzy!

I had to go lie down and i conked out for four hours :shock: obviously i needed the sleep but has anyone else had this ?

I told OH i didnt feel great he sent me to bed, as soon as my head touched i was out lol xxx
I've had this a few times. Last Monday I had to lie on the bathroom floor before I'd had the chance to wipe my bum because I came over all funny and felt faint and dizzy. Lol must have been a lovely sight!!

Haven't fully felt 'normal' for a while, and have even had 2 naps a day sometimes.

I phoned the mw last Monday when it was really bad and she just said to rest up and eat little snacks often and stay hydrated x
Probably dehydration and or exhaustion, to be fair i probably dont drink as much water as i should. I feel if i drink at work it makes me sick so i only drink when im thirsty.

Oh i cant wait for those "fabulous" days that ur glad ur doors locked and no one can see u haha.

Hope u feel better soon, ive only had this once touch wood although i have been gettin more dizzy whilst standing and my bp was a tad low last time so i might see my mw - ill see how i go xxxx
Just seen this, hope you're feeling much better today. I get like that when I'm dehydrated sometimes, after a couple of times it made me realise that i need to just constantly have some water near me. If only it didnt make you pee!
Anyway, hope you're ok and you sound like you have an excellent OH there to look after you :)
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Feeling much better today, I must have been a mixture of tired and dehydrated yesterday it wasnt nice. I dont drink as much water as I should and I may have gotten away with it earlier but reality is this baby is getting bigger and needing more from me so I have stocked up on the bottled water.

Having a cheeky wee irn bru this morning to give me a kick start then Ill be onto the Pink Lady's and water :)

Thanks girls xxxx
Glad ur feelin better hun. You've made me want iron bru now! :) x
Also dehydration won't help if you have low blood pressure. I get lack when i get a blood pressure drop, i fainted a couple of weeks ago because of it. eating and keeping hydrated help prevent that. Glad you are feeling better now though hun xx
have you had your iron levels tested? you could need some extra :) hope you're ok now.
yeah all my bloods where fine but before I was pregnant I was always anaemic - maybe the baby has generated me more iron who knows lol - im okay today still tired but nothing is new.

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