feeling guilty for laughing???


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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today me and my boyfriend had our first day of counciling with the brevement midwive she's lovly. I felt so nervous going back down the hospital were david was born but left feeling a bit better. Did anyone else ever feel guilty for laughing after loosing a baby at birth?? i feel its to soon to be laughing, does this sound silly?
i'm sorry i have only had early miscarraiges latest one at 9 weeks, please dont feel guilty for laughing you cant live the rest of your life miserable i'm sure if david is watching over you he would prefer to see you laugh than be miserable and it doesn't mean in any way you have forgotten him if you laugh or smile.
i hope the councilling helps you both
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of course it doesnt sound silly - its completely normal. I really hope you find the counselling helps you, I used to really look forward to my sessions. Its so hard going back to the hospital, hopefully it will get easier for you in time :hugs: x
its not silly its normal and i hope the counselling helps, laughing will help you get on with day to day items you otherwise may struggle to find strength to do it gives your body a moment of not being sad, and im sure during your pregnancy along with the bad and sad times there were several happy moments, cherish and remember them its not wrong to laugh now and again it in no way tarnishes the memory of one loved so much and lost so soon. xxxx
Well said K8-005

You have to carry on hun, and whatever gets you and your OH through this on a day to day basis, is a good thing and will help your recovery. Nothing will change you thoughts or special memories of little David.

Glad you have counsiling, that sounds really helpful for you both

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