Feeling so guilty. Can you mix BF & formula?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2012
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My baby boy is 4 days old today. I BF since birth, but last night I was so upset and had a major wobble because he was wanting to constantly feed since 10pm-1am, and my nipples were red raw and so sore. I've seen the BF nurse for 2 days in hospital and she came again yesterday. I felt like I was doing well, although my nipples were sore and I understand he's not been latching on properly no matter if lying down, cradling or doing the rugby ball position.
So I was so upset last night my hubby went and bought some formula.
I feel so guilty and upset I cant feed my little boy. I so want to.
I'm thinking about getting some Tommee Tippee nipples sheilds which may resolve the pain issue, but am worried that because we've been bottle feeding since about 3am that he will now be confused.

Does anyone know, can I give him formula PLUS for a few feeds a day or night BF using th nipple sheilds?? I really want him to BF.

Plus I think my milk is coming through, I'm leaking on my bra this morning on one side. I don't want to waste this milk. I tried expressing yesterday, but one tiny drop came out and you could barely see it in the bottle.

Any advice would be much appreciated. xxx
Don't give up hun!!
Your milk is probably coming in which can be very uncomfortable, warm compress and warn bath relieves the ache!
I'm not so sure about formula when baby so young still, if you can keep going with the feed, I'm using shields at the mo, day 2 and nipple had healed lots! Make sure you also use a good nipple cream after every feed, lanolish is the best in my opinion!
If u use shields maybe try the odd feed without so baby stays used to nipple. Or finish a feed when baby not so eager and only lightly suckling with out shield'

Don't feel bad! Breast feeding is bloody hard! X
^^ ^^WSS

Keep going hun, it's tough but so worth it. Xx

i combi fed for 2 weeks when my lg was a week old as she had thrush and wouldn't latch properly so was losing to much weight.

you're doing great with bfing I'd definitely try nipple sheilds. and lots of lanoish(sp) was a god send for me :)

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Giving formula will cause your supply to drop so it's better to try to avoid it if you can. That said if your at the end of your tether one bottle isn't going to mean the end of bf. sheilds were a god send to us, used them for 4months.

If its painful though it's worth getting your latch checked. X

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Firstly you have been doing great, don't give up!! There have been many times in the three weeks of feeding my LO that I have wanted to give up, but just powered through! They certainly don't tell you how hard it is in the literature, but I have been assured it does get better with time.
Like you, there have been days where she wont stop feeding and it seems like she is permanently attached to my boob, so I just write those days off as sofa and tv days, and it's just baby being very clever and increasing your supply.
All great advice already been given about the shields/ nipple cream etc but the positioning and attachment really needs to be perfect to ensure baby feeds well and you don't keep getting sore. See if you can see feeding counsellor again. It's a big learning curve for you and baby but it will get better!! Your doing a fab job!! Xxx
All perfect advice just wanted to say I did excactly same thing with my lo. Emergency formula at silly oclock! My milk didn't come in at all until day 7, so was always on the backfoot with BF. did manage to combi feed for two months though before I dried up completely. My only regret is not putting her back on the boob sooner, the midwifes I saw were all brill but didn't suggest nipple shields, which will really help you heal in the short term. Keep going though, you'll always do what is best for baby, even when it hurts or doesn't quite meet your expectations of mummy hood, you will always be an amazing ma! X x
This happened with my first. Oh my god the guilt. It was awful. I was at my wits end. However, I did persevere with breast feeding and although it was painful, within a week or two of getting the nipples sorted (nipple shields) and latch correct, it was plain sailing from then on.

I have just had our second and I am now going through the exact same thing again, although I think I might have mastitis in one boob... midwife coming today so will get her to take a look. Latching on last night actually made me bawl my eyes out in pain but I am determined to keep going.

Take it one day at a time, and it will get easier. But don't feel guilty about the formula. Plenty of mums have been there and done it, persevered with breastfeeding and come out the other side with perfectly healthy babies. Good luck :)
Jacob was born on Friday and by Sunday I was so upset he wasn't getting enough I expressed and gave an aptamil after crying my eyes out Monday. He had another formula tues but then really picked up breast feeding. Mw said he's a healthy weight and it's fine so just soley back to bf but could gave thrown my pump against the wall for all the time it took!

Jacob is feeding fine now BUT I felt so guilty giving a formula it was ridiculous when having a baby is a happy time and I'm sat there crying! Stupid!

So I'm not going there again and Im keeping the instant formula for times like that. I slap on nipple cream all the time too. Don't feel guilty happy mummy has a happy baby.

Considering he's had a bottle and breast he doesn't seem confused. Hope it gets better! Youre not alone! x
There is nothing wrong with using a bit of formula now and again. I have done so since the beginning. It kept me sane sometimes and helped my nipples to recover. It didn't confuse my baby or reduce my milk supply.
I feel your pain, I really do!!
I was bf fine in hospital and came home on the Wednesday.. By thursday when the MW came, my nipples were a mess, the skin had begun to come off and was so sore and raw in parts and omg the pain when I fed was unbearable, I think at times it was worse than contractions!! By the Saturday I was in agony and in hysterics at every feed. Its advised to carry in bf but I couldn't take the pain so gave LO formula instead and expressed my milk to clear out the infection etc. It was awful and at times there was blood in my milk :( After about a 1/2 weeks I tried bf again and we seem to be doing alot better. I bf her if she is waiting for a bottle and she still manages even though I don't do it exclusively.

LO is happy and healthy though, so the formula hasn't affected her. Any breast milk is better than none. Its hard as baby can have a perfect latch one feed and an awful one the next. If it's what you want to do, keep on going. It does get easier (and I know you probably think it wont I know I did but honestly it does). Lansinoh is AMAZING!! it is a bit pricey, I have heard vaseline is just as good. Medela nipple shields are meant to be good, especially if you have small nipples. If latching is a problem, try a lactation consultant. She told me to try having loads of skin to skin i.e co-bathing.

If you need anything, PM me :) X
i combination fed for the first month. i tried breast feeding but he didnt latch on properly and no matter how much help and advice i got i was in sheer agony so much so that i was nearly fainiting with the pain. i decided to express and also formula feed and it was the best decision for me. i expressed 2/3 feeds a day and the rest was formula. my boy is happy and healthy and i dont regret my decision as it was right for both of us. he was a very hungry baby! dont feel guilty.
ive been combination feeding for 7 months, i ebf for the first 5 days then had problems and combi fed since, shes dropped the formula bottles now and has proper food instead and just bf's 3/4 times a day and has plenty of juice and a bottle at bedtime that dosent usually get more than an oz or 2 drank out of it lol so it is totally possible to combine bf and formula successfully. her latch wasnt the issue so we have always fed from the breast and added topup bottles :) i always tried to ebf thru the night tho no matter what

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