First time game


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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Got this idea off of Google

Basically the person before you says something and then the second person answers it and leaves a questions for the next person to ask and so on.....

I'll go first.....

When was your first kiss?
i was p7 with the fittest boy from another school and everyone was sooo jealous cos we went 'steady' pmsl..... he turned out to be the campest gayest boy ever lol!!! whooops.

fave alcoholic drink??
^^^ Hahaha! :rofl:

My fave alcoholic drink would have to be a pint of ice cold lager on a sunny day :)

Q. Most embarassing thing you've EVER done?!
Trying to impress some fit blokes I fell flat on my face in front of them!! Hahaa

Have you ever let a friends secret out?
yes, told her OH that she was sleeping around cause i wanted the guy >.<

Stupidest teenage idea you had?
To be a doctor (haha I never made it!!)

How many times have you been in love?
like twice, and not sure i ever did actually love anyone else i went out with!

Q: Have you ever fancied your bf's friend or brother?
Yea I fancied an ex's friend who was gay :blush: in the end them two ended up having A fumble :rofl:

Q: what are you most proud of in your life?
Im proud of my career, I was never brilliant at anything in school and thought everyone would have amazing careers except me. I ended up being the first out of my friends to have a graduate job instead of working in the same pub I worked in before i went to uni. And Im the only one out of my close mates from my (vocational) course who has stuck with the career and climbed the ladder :smug:

do you support a sports team?
Nope can't stand sports lol

What's your favourite thing to eat?
anything my mum cooks

do you think your good looking?
Not really i think i just look average lol nothing really stands out.

What do you thinks your best feature?
Boobs!! Only whilst I've got a good bra on mind :lol:

what's your favourite tv programme?
eating too much at dinner time tonight :sick:

package holiday or independant travel?
Independent travel
What's you favourite secret pub/restaurant?
the bridge in narberth, pembrokeshire. Shhh, its a secret!! ;)

what time do you get up in the mornings?
5am (Yes, Kill me now. Im dead again by 2pm lol)

Whats your ringtone? Chart topper? Or phone networks buzz?
err its airplanes! :D so charttopper lol

whats ur most expensive purchase? other than house / car x
Oh I love that song!

Most expensive purchase.. Ferret Cage :) No joke.. £250 lol
Wow I cant believe thats the most ive ever spent on something, need to loosen some purse strings.. though that doesnt work when the purse is empty!

First time you shaved your legs? (.. then were shocked when it came back :p)

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