first time ovulation test help


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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hey ladies this is for those experts in opt i need help, this is the first o test i have ever taken and would like to know what it means. I got two lines both the same colour but they are faint even the control line. I have a 31 day cycle and i am on day 11.

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Hmmm not sure looking at the pic but I don't get clear test lines (even lighter ones) when I do opks until I'm a day or 2 before a positive opk. The lines look pretty similar to me on your pic but do you think you usually ov later in cycle? I would BD anyway and just keep testing between 2-8pm for accurate results! Good luck xx
Hi how regular are your cycles are you normally 31 or does this change? Also what is your normal lp phase?

If regular 31 days then seems a bit soon for ov unless your lo phase is longer than 14/15 days - have you tested again any more pics?

hi thanks for the replies my lp phase is 14 days from past calculations i normally ov on day 15 or 16. Will test again today i'm using easy test i don't know if any of you know that brand.
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Yeah test again we are all mad testers on here!

I have not heard of that brand I'm sure someone here has! I use one step (not the best but cheap!) I wait for my positive and then back it up with an expensive one just to be sure! When I get the positive I let hubby know its his turn!

Lots of baby dust

Be sure and use urine that you have held for at least 3 hrs......I have a long cycle as well usually 32-33 days last cycle I ov'd cd 19 so keep testing hun, have you any other opk's to compare it with??
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neevr had a test line that was faint like that but i guess its just the make,just test 2-3 times a day best times i think are mid morning tea time and around 8 ish at night gd luck xxx
hi i did a test today and got a darker test line and a line that i couldn't tell if it was darker or lighter. I only have one brand of test as there are two brands in France and the other brand is like 38 euro which is a lot of money. This brand was about 23 Euro for 7 even the cheapest pregnancy test i have found in France is about 6 euro. I had ordered a opk online but they never got delivered after Three weeks of waiting. So far my husband and i have bd every 2nd day since CD9 i am doing the "rest with your hips up in the air" for 15 mins after and husband either on top or behind sorry tmi lol. i am sort of following the egg meets sperm plan but because i have a longer cycle i am doing it as if the egg will be here around cd 15/16. well here are a few photos of the test from today, sorry if they are hard to see.


Alicebear I would make sure to bd tonight!! and I hope you bd'ed last night as well. Maybe you can order some cheapies on the internet, I get mine from amazon, a 50 count for like 13 american dollars.
yeah.....i'd BD every 2nd day and do the upward position thing after. Good luck Alicebear
thanks so much guys, well my husband and i will be bding tonight, my cm is a little bit stretchy and i am very wet down below sorry again tmi. I will be taking another test today i take them at 4;19 everyday don't ask why lol and i will be posting the new images again on here. We are going to bed tonight miss the next day and bed for three straight days from the 12-14 April miss another day and bed again. This is just in case i never get a darker line, As the lines i seem to be getting are just slightly lighter then the control line. My husband goes to work at 6am gets home around 5.30 he is army and works so much so even though i am trying opks this cycle i'm trying not to stress out about it. If we don't get the bfp this cycle i will be trying the smep again since for me its logical and gives me some guide lines to work with. Thanks everyone for your comments.

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