Formula milk


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2012
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Just wondered which brand of formala milk you guys are going to go for and if anyone has any recommendtions? Im definately not breast feeding and im thinking anout cow and gate milk to start with and see how she gets on with that? Would people just suggest buying one tub to start with just incase?
My little man is 1 week old and is on cow and gate first milk cxx
I'm going with sma, but only because that's the one all my friends and fam recommended.

Gold to start and if baby isn't getting full then it'll be on blue hungry baby :) xxx
Iv picked up an sma gold. Only buying one incase baby doesn't like it.xx
I've heard that Aptamil is the one closest tasting to breast milk if that's what you were looking for. I tried my first DS on SMA and he threw up for 24 hours but i had breastfed him exclusively and that put me off giving him formula altogether so we carried on with bf. I would only get one tub though yeah as you just don't know if baby will be happy with it and if their little tummy would like it.xx
I tried cow and gate and it crippled my lo with pain, SMA gold was better but aptamil has been the best, comfort variety fab for colic :)
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Think i may try aptimal then. Seems to be the most popular.
Iv not heard great things about sma but i suppose it just depends on each individual baby
You can buy ready made milk if you don't want to buy a whole tub, most of them do a 1 litre bottle I know Sma do for the gold as we have used it.

We tried Riven on aptamil ad he hated it but the hospital did say it was the closest to breastmilk but then the HV said the different brands are not much different so really I think it comes down to your own preference :)

Yeah in my hospital they give you the tiny premade sma gold to start feeding with if your not breast feeding xxx
I've heard SMA Gold is good so going to give that a try. x
Both my boys have been on Aptamil and has been by far the best (tried all others too) but its very individual to the baby.

I am going to try breast feeding but we have bought six small cartons of Aptimel just in case. My SIL and friends have all recomended. x
I used Sma gold but it wasn't filling ruby up so I had to swap her to the hungry baby milk xxx
I will make up my mind about breastfeeding nearer the time, but will get some ready made cartons in just in case if I decide to atempt to feed myself, as I don't want panic stations like I had with my DD when by 6 days she cried non stop because she was starving. I will get Cow and Gate in again, that what she had all those years ago!

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