

Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2011
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How on earth do people afford it!!! We are going through a £10 tub every 5-6 days, my maternity pay is struggling to cover our own food (esp now lo is also eating what we eat) but this extra £50-60 a month is nearly killing us!! On top of the fact he's just gone up another size in nappies and they get exponentially more expensive!!! Wish I hadn't had to stop bf'ing I'm gonna have to go back to work sooner than planned just to be able to afford to feed him!!!

Sorry just needed a rant!
Have you applied for healthy start tokens dont know if ur eligible but worth a try.

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Yep is expensive hun, I was shocked as I have just had to stop bf harry!! It works out as £5 a week more expensive for us to buy the pre made cartons so we are doing that instead coz it doesnt save much making it up yourself!!
Gosh yes it is so expensive!! Imagine having twins!! It would be double that!! x
I think I'd have to win the lottery to have twins lol!!
do you get child benefit? i try to buy a few tins in the couple of days after mine goes in, defiantly helps!
The formula I use is on offer at the min 5.99 a tin I use Sma hungry baby milk xxx
Thanks for the tips, we started him on hungry baby at first but it made him sick or I'd defo be taking up that offer!! I've put him on follow on milk as there is sometimes vouchers and offers on the 6mth + stuff, think I might just have to bulk buy a months worth every payday!
Which supermarket is it on offer x
Just looked on amazon, 2 tubs £12 and a few pence with free delivery x

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