Gestational sac in low position


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Jan 14, 2023
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38 years old. Fourth pregnancy. The previous one in Caesarea. Week four plus 5. I bled last night in a submenstrual amount. without pain. I went to the emergency room. A gestational sac with a yolk sac was demonstrated in a low position in the uterus with some contents visible as clots above the sac. Normal ovaries. Normal BHCG increase (4 days ago 1550, yesterday 4213). The doctor concluded with a high probability that, based on the bleeding and sonographic image, it is a miscarriage. She ordered a US in 3-4 days. Could it be a normal pregnancy after all?
38 years old. Fourth pregnancy. The previous one in Caesarea. Week four plus 5. I bled last night in a submenstrual amount. without pain. I went to the emergency room. A gestational sac with a yolk sac was demonstrated in a low position in the uterus with some contents visible as clots above the sac. Normal ovaries. Normal BHCG increase (4 days ago 1550, yesterday 4213). The doctor concluded with a high probability that, based on the bleeding and sonographic image, it is a miscarriage. She ordered a US in 3-4 days. Could it be a normal pregnancy after all?
Oh I’m so sorry! I don’t really have much experience with that….but the numbers increasing is a good thing. Pray all turns out well in the end! Waiting is so incredibly hard. You don’t know whether to mourn or hold onto hope, until the next us in situations like that….I was there before and it’s awful. Keep us posted!

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