Getting back into shape after child birth!!!!!!!!!!


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Apr 30, 2008
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What has worked/working for you?

I came across these guide lines:

July 10, 2007
Exercise after Childbirth
Childbirth is a taxing process, it can leave a woman feeling completely exhausted. And unfortunately this feeling doesn’t go away after one night. If you have recently given birth incorporating an exercise regimen into your daily life will help your body get back to the shape you were in before pregnancy and help you heal from the enormous physical strain of childbirth.

After getting clearance from your doctor at a post childbirth appointment usually a 6 week check up, start a simple walking program. Walking is wonderful exercise. Get out of the house walk around your block. Depending on the time of year you may have to make do with doing some walking just around the house. Babies love to be held and strolled around so think of all those late night crying sessions as a way for you to walk for exercise.

Stop when you are tired. Rest whenever the baby rests. Rest is an important component for healing. Take it easy at first. Your level of exercise will not be the same as before your pregnancy. Passive sit ups may be a great place to start. Passive sit ups will help to flatten your tummy. Whenever you are sitting or driving just pull your stomach muscles in, hold, then let out. Very easy on you and can be done anywhere.

Your pelvic floor muscles went through a great strain during the childbirth process. These muscles are weakened during the birth process and can cause you to leak urine when you jump, cough or sneeze. To help tone those back up do some pelvic floor exercises. To exercise your pelvic floor muscles tighten the muscles you would use to keep yourself from urinating. A good way to discover how this feels is to stop your stream of urine when you are going. Once you get a feel for tightening up these muscles you can exercise them anywhere just tighten, hold, and relax while breathing normally. This will increase the strength of these muscles, it may take some time.

If you feel any pain stop what you are doing and let your doctor know. And remember don’t fight fatigue, sleep when you can. Don’t get discouraged just go look at the beautiful little life you have created, and your physical exhaustion and strain is well worth it. You will get your body back and it is quite possible to be in better shape than you have ever been.
Dieting only currently - and will start to tone up though soon before i turn to mush!
My problem is my belly :lol:

I have been very naughty and have been eating rubbish :shakehead:

Trouble is I am rubbish wehn it comes to knowing what food to eat to lose weight.

What food plan do you ladies follow?
Im doing the cambridge sole source plan which is a very low calorie diet. I have around 4 stone to lose, have lost nearly 3 already.

Would like to go to the gym but no time or money!
mrs_tommo22 said:
Im doing the cambridge sole source plan which is a very low calorie diet. I have around 4 stone to lose, have lost nearly 3 already.

wow!! that's amazing hon :hug: :hug: i've got about 2.5 stone to shift and i honestly don't know how i'll ever get it off - breastfeeding isn't helping one bit :wall: i might consider the cambridge plan when i've stopped... well done anyway!
Wow thats fantastic hun,

i'm going to look that one up.
mrs_tommo22 said:
Im doing the cambridge sole source plan which is a very low calorie diet. I have around 4 stone to lose, have lost nearly 3 already.

Well done, that's great :clap:

Nothing seems to be working for me! I've got a stone to loose but my body is soooo saggy and out of shape now :( I can't stick to healthy eating either, i'm sure my antidepressants increase my appite and make me want junk :wall: I'm hopeless :lol:
Full of hope! said:
[quote="mrs_tommo22":14r9e3z2]Im doing the cambridge sole source plan which is a very low calorie diet. I have around 4 stone to lose, have lost nearly 3 already.

Well done, that's great :clap:

Nothing seems to be working for me! I've got a stone to loose but my body is soooo saggy and out of shape now :( I can't stick to healthy eating either, i'm sure my antidepressants increase my appite and make me want junk :wall: I'm hopeless :lol:[/quote:14r9e3z2]

Oh hun your not alone with the junk food, i'm addicted to it :shock: and the more I eat the more my appetite increases :shock:

I seriously need to learn what healthy tasteful food there is and learn how to cook it :lol:

Any ideas ladies.
I've lost around 16 kg since giving birth! that's four months now :cheer:
tbh most of the weight vanished after having the baby for a week.. the rest i started losing as a result of a loss in appetite! lucky me i know LOL.
but now I started to eat nuts which are high in calories! but i crave them now.. so my weight loss is reduced..
healthy options are soups! u can have it with boiled white rice as a filler...
boiled or grilled meat or chicken.
steamed vegetables.
and whenever u feel hungry snack on cucumbers instead of junk! it has really low calories.
Yes I do love grilled meat, especially chicken.

I am going to get myself some oxtail soup in.
I love sauces, any ideas for low calorie ones?
Yes the snack idea is great.
I'm more fruit person so am going to get some, chop them up and put hem in a bowl in fridge.

I find myself eating constantly mand I guess some of that has to do with being down.

Ta maldives xx
mrs_tommo22 said:
Im doing the cambridge sole source plan which is a very low calorie diet. I have around 4 stone to lose, have lost nearly 3 already.

Would like to go to the gym but no time or money!

me too. Try squeezing the tummy muscles in 200 times. Im not kidding, it works. I tried it for a few days and could feel it working but I get easily distracted.. 200 is a big number. :rotfl:
Im 10stone
I used to be 9 and half and i quickly went back to this after having Collier
I got weight last week at the docs and looked at the scales in horror
i dont get it ive been doing MORE exercise the last few week Ive been cleaning the Nursery rooms for 3 weeks mopping hoovering dusting polishing scrubbing ect ect and there are 11 rooms

and ive been doing salsa classes and thriller dance classes

why the hellp have i PUT weight on

and why is it that my old jeans which 3 weeks ago where still tight on my tummy and jelly belly hung over it

NOW there EVEN tighter


i cant afford a new wardrobe the weathers turning i have 2 pairs of trousers i bought from a cheap shop and thats all ive got

will i EVER fit my clothes agian

its the bloody inchs more then the weight i hate my jelly belly i look like a big fat blubber :twisted:

ok rant over needed to get that out its been getting me down
ive lost over 4 stone since having thomas ive still got a long way to go to be pre-baby size again,
ive just cut out the rubbish i still have a take-away everyweek and a bit of chocy if i fancy it never crisps though oh and i dont eat bread as it bloats me.
i also only have 1 cup of tea in the monring rest of the time i drink flavored water still not fizzy.
as for exercise i walk everywhere thats under 3 miles away and i clean alot i also live upstairs so ging up and down the stairs several times a day helps
Morganuk said:
What has worked/working for you?

I came across these guide lines:

Your pelvic floor muscles went through a great strain during the childbirth process. These muscles are weakened during the birth process and can cause you to leak urine when you jump, cough or sneeze. To help tone those back up do some pelvic floor exercises. To exercise your pelvic floor muscles tighten the muscles you would use to keep yourself from urinating. A good way to discover how this feels is to stop your stream of urine when you are going. Once you get a feel for tightening up these muscles you can exercise them anywhere just tighten, hold, and relax while breathing normally. This will increase the strength of these muscles, it may take some time.

Ha! Are they trying to be funny :/ Jump, cough or sneeze. And for me also sitting, standing, walking, leaning, stretching, lifting, climbing, bending...... So exercise for me is pretty much a non starter.

I do walk but have to suffer the consequences. I want to do lots more but cannot.

I used to walk miles, lug haybales and feed sacks round, loads of hard physical stuff, but now nothing. I hate it. Don't even get me started on the food side of things. Breastfeedings down side is needing to consume calories.

I can lose weight really easily if I can exercise and eat a certain amount. As I can do neither atm I have only lost 10kg since giving birth.

I'm not in a good place about all this tbh. I'm the worst person to talk to about pelvic floor and exercising. Frustrates the crap out of me.
portion control, main meal in the middle of the day, don't eat after 6pm.

I found that after I stopped BF-ing lots of weight fell off all by itself.

I used to jog a lot but as as single mum I'm no longer able to. However, I have no car so I walk heaps, and where I live it's not exactly flat so that's good exercise. I also cycle quite a lot.
Sherlock said:
Morganuk said:
What has worked/working for you?

I came across these guide lines:

Your pelvic floor muscles went through a great strain during the childbirth process. These muscles are weakened during the birth process and can cause you to leak urine when you jump, cough or sneeze. To help tone those back up do some pelvic floor exercises. To exercise your pelvic floor muscles tighten the muscles you would use to keep yourself from urinating. A good way to discover how this feels is to stop your stream of urine when you are going. Once you get a feel for tightening up these muscles you can exercise them anywhere just tighten, hold, and relax while breathing normally. This will increase the strength of these muscles, it may take some time.

Ha! Are they trying to be funny :/ Jump, cough or sneeze. And for me also sitting, standing, walking, leaning, stretching, lifting, climbing, bending...... So exercise for me is pretty much a non starter.

I do walk but have to suffer the consequences. I want to do lots more but cannot.

I used to walk miles, lug haybales and feed sacks round, loads of hard physical stuff, but now nothing. I hate it. Don't even get me started on the food side of things. Breastfeedings down side is needing to consume calories.

I can lose weight really easily if I can exercise and eat a certain amount. As I can do neither atm I have only lost 10kg since giving birth.

I'm not in a good place about all this tbh. I'm the worst person to talk to about pelvic floor and exercising. Frustrates the crap out of me.

Sorry hun did not mean to upset you at all.
Unfortunatly the above happens to me a lot :oops: which is so embaressing.
I can not say I have done any exercises yet tbh so was looking at ways to help it and came across this as well as some advice about losing some of my weight. :hug:

Hope you feel better soon hun. :hug: :hug:
Not upset, just frustrated and peed off. But not at you. All good there :)
i actually lost weight as soon as i had dylan. I was 10.5 stone before i got pregnant and when i had him i went to 9stone. I had really bad sickness throughout tho and was hospitalised a few times. Since i had him tho i have gorged on rubbish.

I have a 'mummy tummy' and when i was putting fake tan on the other week i felt like i was putting it onto a different body. It feels so different to how it was (obviously). Im going to have to definitly tone up :roll:

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