Giving a dummy


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Those of you that have successfully breastfed and used a dummy.. when did you introduce it?

It’s a long time ago when I fed my little girl and I didn’t give a dummy until after 6/7 weeks. I don’t want to wait that long this time but not sure when is appropriate. He’s only 5 days old at the minute.
I did at 4 weeks. I really didn't want to give one so held off as long as possible but she had colic

I've had friends who breastfeed and give them straight away
Our LO is 3 weeks and I’m BF. We introduced a dummy just in the evening when she’s unsettled a few days ago. So far seems to be going ok.
My lb won’t take one. He’s 7 weeks. We had been trying to avoid it but he’d really benefit i think so it’s frustrating!
My little boy is 2wk old and Im breastfeeding. There was a day where he was just so unsettled and seemed to be sucking for comfort rather than feeding and it was all day and night. I gave in and gave him a dummy at 11 days old but it's only for those times and in the car when I can't get to him to comfort him. I used the 0-2mt ones (MAM and NUK) as the 0-6mt are too big for him.
Try it and see, your lo might not take to one anyway? I was prepared for him not to bother but he seems to like it at those times when I know he has fed plenty. My bf support worker did say to be careful that you don't miss feeds with using the dummy though as that affects your milk supply and obviously can affect babies weight gain.
Good luck honey xxxxx
I think it was 3 weeks for us and no issues with bf x
The usual advice is to wait until breastfeeding is eastablished.... this is normally by 2 weeks.
I think it was after a couple of days . My daughter was in nicu and one of the nurses gave her one to settle her . I was expressing milk to her then as she was poorly but we did manage to breastfeed whilst she was still having a dummy at a week old without any confusion.
Thanks all!

I feel out of touch with all this stuff. I think had he taken to feeding like my daughter I wouldn’t have been concerned but he hasn’t really so it’s made me think twice about it. But I don’t like him crying like he does in the car and occasionally at other times.
Hey congrats on your baby boy :)
My girl is breastfed and has never had a bottle, but she has had her dummies from day 3 I think if not sooner. She has always had a good latch, and I have always had a good milk supply(oversupply if any), she has always been a very hungry/not very content baby and the dummy was good to just get that little bit of a break between times. She isn’t reliant on it atall and goes to sleep every night without it, but we still have it for a little bit of piece now and then haha she’s 6 months old now and started solids so is slowly using the dummy less and less. The way I looked at it was if it kept my sanity and allowed me to continue feeding it didn’t matter how early I gave it to her. My son was too breastfed but due to a bad latch/uninterested in feeding for the first days, he was introduced to bottles within that time. He did go back to the Brest when a week or two old but we then both got thrush so refused to feed again, I stopped trying him at the breast from a month old and expressed for him. I introduced a dummy at 4 weeks with him, but by that point I had stopped feeding so not sure if any difference would have been made. Hope some of my rambling has been of some use haha. Good luck, and hope all works out for you :) x
I have my son a tummy when he was a week old and exclusively BF. He never had any latching problems or nipple confusion. He’s a very healthy 17lb at 5 and half months ��
I’ve tried with the dummy but he can’t seem to get the swing of it!!

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