Got my letter printed, lol

i keep meanin to write letters but dont get round to it or feel too silly.

go you :cheer:
Well Done!! :cheer:

I had a letter printed in the paper years ago complaining about pervy blokes in the Summer. They printed it next to a photo of a model in a bikini and tiny shorts and TOTALLY made it look like it was me! :shock: :lol:
Go you!!

It's a blooming pain in the backside, we usually end up parking half way down the car park as parent & child spaces are 99% of the time full, although there are very rarely any car seats at all in the cars in the spaces :roll:
Well done you....don't get me started on M&B spaces.....I get sooooo angry!! The amount of people who park there cos they are lazy arses and not because they have to get a car seat out the ASDA I saw one member of staff get into their car which they had parked in a M&B space!!! :x
Actually we were at tesco the last week and a huge 4x4 parked in one of the m&b spaces and a woman got out with no kids. A member of the tesco secrity actually approached her and said, ' if you dont have any children with you then you should be parking there' and her reply? 'It doesnt fit in the normal spaces!' :shock: . So its nice to know that parents have to suffer because that selfish cow went and bought a car that is totally unecessary in the city :roll: .

i was surprised the guy said anything to her, they never usually do, at least its a start huh?
He should have told her to go park at the other end where there are loads of spaces cos no-one wants to walk for more than a minute to the door.....her own fault for buying a stupidly large car!! And as for 4x4s...well thats another rant :wink:
I've lost count of the number of arguments I've had with people like that :roll:

I've found a new solution though (as long as the weather is ok!)...

I park right at the other end of the car park where its deserted, that way I can open the doors wide cos there are no other cars about, put Ryan in his pushchair and walk down to the supermarket. Gives me exercise and stops me having a go at people :lol:
My OH always trys to park in the parent and child parking but i moan at him till he shifts it then he tries parkin in the disabled parkin which makes me even more :evil: so we end up parking further away then he gets moody with me. when i learn to drive im gunna park as far away from the shop As possible and make him walk! lol
excellent well done. same for people parking in disabled parking spaces when theres nothing wrong with them. worst places ive seen is the coop and tescos oh and sainsburys.

also seen this in coop with people and not having kids with them.
as i work for a supermarket i hate it when mothers/fathers even grandparents let their kids sit in the trolley when their not supposed too, how do u approach the parent or whatever and tell em not to do it.

i got a job with mystery shopper :p

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