Grab a cuppa....long post


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Ok so I'm finally back from day assessment. Was seen straight away, which I was pleased about. Talked to one of the midwives about my history with the cysts, she actually held my hand bless her. Urine and bp were fine, baby's heartbeat was loud and clear so off she went to talk to the registrar who promptly sent me for a scan.

Well.....the sonographers were lovely, all 3 of them :shock:. Was scanned first on my tummy, baby was playing with his feet bless him and as she took his measurements, she flipped round to his legs to measure the femur and well....lets just say no-one has said my baby has three legs :). When I mentioned it she promptly told me you can't tell so early lol and gave me a sour look.
Measuring the cysts was more difficult...enter 2nd sonographer. I had to lay on my right, then on my left and eventually she said I had to go to another room to get an internal scan. Shuffled off to the loo and went into the other room. She double checked baby again and then got down to business. Please bear in mind that the door to this room opens out onto the packed waiting area.....
She took a few measurements, including of a new fibroid :roll: then she took my hand, put it at the end of the probe, asked me to hold on to it and left the room :shock:. Another sonographer threw the door open and said hi....I asked that she forgive me for not shaking her hand lmao. Anyway, they got all the measurements and eventually I went back to the day assessment.
The cyst on my left ovary has grown quite a bit, they are leaving them as they are but have said that after baby is born I will have to have all the cysts removed with keyhole surgery, which I am really happy about :dance:. I have strong painkillers and have been told to get a bump cushion for my seatbelt, other than that there's not much I can do xxxxxxx
Well I think that sounds like a positive day??!! And you got to see your bubba again which is a bonus.

No so good about the new growth but good to know there's a plan in place for after bubba has arrived

Do you feel a bit better about stuff now? Xxx
Oh hun sorry they couldn't do much but glad they have set your mind at rest. Are we saying Team blue then?????? Or are you waiting for the 20 week? lol. xxxxxxx
Becky I do feel better cos I have been given a consultant who will keep a good eye on me :). And seeing baby playing with his feet was sooooo cute :)

Leanne I am very cautiously team blue....might pay for a private scan next week to try and confirm, don't think I can wait any longer and no hope now of the midwife sending me for a free one lmao
Sorry for the extra growths but glad they're keeping a good eye on you.

Congrats on a cautious team blue and three legs....sounds like a talented boy looooool. Interesting to see what they say at your later scans re the sex.
Yeah ninja am very very cautious about it and will be very interesting to see if mummy is right, I would love a girl but a son would make my oh so very happy so I am hoping more for team blue now :) (I told him we can have a girl next time :lol:)
Happy to hear you have some reassurance and a plan for after the baby is here. Though making you hold foof cam seems a bit off? lol
Would have been better if she had left the screen active so I could have a mooch around myself but the old cow froze the screen :wall2:
The cheek of it! Lol, glad they are keeping a close eye on things though xxx
Glad u had some answers u wanted, and you got to see ur baby! :) xx

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