Had to get our rabbit put to sleep


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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We had a rabbit called Toffee, she was only 1. We noticed a few days ago she was really slow so we kept an eye on her but last night we saw blood under her neck so we took her straight to the vets expecting them to clean her up and tell us why she wasn't herself.

It turned out that the blood was from her nose which is a bad sign. Then the vet said she could feel a lump on her side. Her hair was coming out in handfuls when you stroked her (why didn't I realise something was wrong earlier :wall:) and she said it was up to us what to do but it didn't look good.

I had to send OH in the room after that cos I was too upset so he stayed with her while they did it. I was expecting to bring her home. Josh doesn't really understand cos he's only 4 but he keeps asking when she'll be better. Bless her :cry:
aah, thats really sad, i have a rabbit so i know how you feel xxxxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww bless ya! Even at our age, we get attached to pets so quickly. I remember when my cat had to be put down due to cancer, I'd had him for 11yrs and was my bessie mate.

Maybe, you could kind of explainto your son, in a story way, that his rabbit found a husband and they ran off together? Sounds silly but he may take that onboard better than 'your rabbit's been put to sleep'.

Could you buy him another one?
It is awful when something like this happens. I took 1 of my Guinea Pigs to have a very simple op 2 weeks ago, I rang up vets to see what time I could go pick her up to be told that she had died. Sending you and Josh :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
My rabbit died only 3 months ago babes so I know how you feel. :hug:

He was a black lionhead, 3 years old and a house rabbit.

I was so fond of him and stayed up all night with him the night before he died. We weren't sure what was wrong and intended to take him to the vets on my lunch break the next day. Unfortunatly he passed away while I was at work.

I was so upset, but I am glad my hubby was there with him right till the end.

I still miss him so much. He was one of the family. xxx

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