Happy? Tell us why....


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
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I used to be on another forum and this was always a good thread that you could update when ever you watned...

Im happy becuase Im 33 on Friday!! I love being in my 30's. :cheer:
I'm happy cause I've got rid of my deadbeat ex :cheer:
because of these two:


mum2A&L said:
because of these two:



Sam, that is such a lovely photo, made me :cry: and :D at the same time (I'm very hormonal at the moment and my nesting instinct has kicked in big time this weekend! :) )

I'm happy because it won't be long til I can post a photo like the one above :D :cheer:
Im happy, because i managed to get a decent nights sleep last night and hubby let me have a lie in this morning too!!

And he has just done all my ironing and is going to go to tesco's later to get the weeks shop :dance:
Mummy-D said:
Im happy, because i managed to get a decent nights sleep last night and hubby let me have a lie in this morning too!!

And he has just done all my ironing and is going to go to tesco's later to get the weeks shop :dance:

im happy cause your smiling and managed to sleep darling!!!! :) :)
Im happy because im moving to Azerbaijan in May.
I'm happy cos my lil boy is healthy, i'm happy cos I am about to book my wedding for Sept next year, i'm also happy cos I have my driving test tomorrow :cheer:
ninnypants said:
Im happy becuase Im 33 on Friday!! I love being in my 30's. :cheer:

Thank you for saying that, b/c I can't wait to turn 30 and my friends think I'm insane b/c of it! :lol:
im happy beacuase after 5 days of sickeness and diarrhoea my little man caden is finally back to his usual self.and im happy cos OH took us all out for tea friday and he cooked breakfast this morning :D
I'm happy because I felt a bit crap earlier and toddled off back to bed for a few hours and when I came down, hubby had taken my to-do list and worked his way through a fair bit of it :) He was clearly tired today so I didn't expect him to be doing much over and above getting the dog out for a good, long walk. Nice surprise! Plus he's generally being all attentive and loving and stuff.

I wonder what he wants... :think:
I'm happy because it's Spring, not officially til next Sunday though but I think it's here already :)
Im happy because i just ordered my new DSLR camera :) I cant wait for it to arrive!!!!
im happy today because the postman had some gifts for me:
-my wedding invites
-My new nursing bra (even though it seems huge?!) & a couple of tops (size 14!!!!! oh yer :dance: )
-the ink's for my printer, so i can finally print again!!

Just waiting for Lewis's teething necklace to be delivered now (ok, early i know, but i want to be prepared!!)

Im waiting for the MW to turn up so i can finally be signed off hospital care! & we went and registered Lewis's birth this morning :dance:

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
all in all, im a happy bunny today!!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
I'm happy coz i start a Surestart course tomorrow. Took a lot of courage to admit i needed a life and my HV was quick to sort me out. So me and Angel will be going every Tuesday for 2 hours.
Also i can start planning Angel's 1st birthday party! So excited!
I'm happy because Amber is back to her normal happy self after days of screaming cos shes been in pain with her teeth

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