Harrison Keyon Born 22/10/06 (Bit late...sorry!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
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I do apologise that its 5 weeks late but here is my birth story:

I went in to be Induced early on Saturday 21st Oct, When I arrived I had my BP taken & was strapped up to a monitor for an hour…after what seemed like forever the Midwife came to explain the whole process & checked my cervix which was not favourable at all, still very high and hard, she ummd and ahhd whether inducing me was the right thing to do but after a chat with a collegue she decided it would be ok and inserted my first pessary (10:30ish am), After that I started to worry that it was going be a long & painful wait but the Midwife explained that lots of ladies come in with a favourable cevix & it can take them a while to get going whilst others come in with a cervix like mine & after 1-2 pessaries they’re off! She then strapped me up to the monitor again for another hour.

After hours that dragged the Midwife told me I would have the next pessary after dinner.
I was put back on the monitor for another hour after dinner and during that time I started to get contractions which became rather painful but bearable enough to smile though them, At 6:25pm the Midwife inserted my 2nd pessary but had to burst my bubble by telling me that the pains were just the pessary and not my cervix dialating :wall: After my 2nd pessary I walked about the hospital a bit & was getting very strong irregular contractions so I took 2 paracetamol & had a lovely warm lavender bath, by this point I was in a lot of pain with the contractions but it was still just the pessary doing its job. When I got back to my bed OH was sent home & the Midwife checked me after I shouted at her & found I was only 1 & half centimetres (10:35pm), I was given a sleeping tablet which didn’t help much. The next hour and half is a bit of a blur but I know I spent most of the time getting shocked by my TENS machine because where I moved so much the wires kept coming out lol :lol: around 11:45pm I started getting a bearing down feeling whenever I got a contraction, I thought I needed to poop so trotted off to the toilet and by this time my contractions were 1 after the other and so unbearably painful that I couldn’t get off the loo, I pulled the buzzer & the Midwifes that came along told me I was pushing too soon & could do damage :x I was helped to my bed and examined by the Midwife who told me I was 10cm & was going to have my baby :cheer: To cut it short I was whisked off to delivery room, was given gas & air to suck when I felt the need to push as it was still too soon, spent more time biting the mouth piece though lol(12:05am) I started full blown pushing at 12:31am when OH & my Mum arrived (Just in time!!!!) and Harrison Keyon was born at 12:35am weighing 7lb 10oz :cheer: :cheer:
Overall I was only in Labour for 1hr 35 mins!! :D
The cord happened to snap when I was pushing the placenta out so I was put on the drip to make my womb contract but that didn’t work so I had to have it removed manually in theatre under a spinal, I waited nearly 2hrs for the Doctor to come to do it though so I had to spend nearly 3hrs in total on the drip having painful contractions again!! :x :x

Would do it all again though for my lil man :D
Better late than never Mica lol!!

all the stress and aggro of the past 9mths is worth it when they pop out isnt it lol!!

bless him, he is a little cutie and u did well!!! :cheer:
well at least it didn't drag on for ages! Congrats and well done!! :cheer:

Tan x

Congradulations again hun so happy for you
Excellent birth story, well done, welcome little man
Congratulations hun, welcome to the world Harrison :wave:

Great story Mica! Gives me good hope :D

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