Have a bit of a problem..... SO EMBARASSING!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Right before I tell you all I will warn you this is probably a bit TMI and also very embarassing for me!
The problem I have is thrush... not a big deal I know but I went to the doctors about it today and she prescribed me a cream and a pessary. I've never had to use one of these before, if i've had thrush in the past i've just taken the tablet, used the cream and its cleared up.
I have to insert it into me (OMG SORRY! :oops: ) but the problem I am having with this is I can't do it! I'm too tense for some reason and can't get it in :oops: :oops: :oops: OH even offered to do it for me (sorry this is so gross and you probably don't need to know that!) but i'm not going to put him through that as its very gross down there at the moment :oops: :oops: God this is getting worse! He also nicely reminded me that I'm going to give birth so need to get used to things like this and loosen up! bit cheeky of him to say this but he has a point and he has been quite sympathetic actually. Does anyone have any tips on how to use this thing? will totally understand if no one wants to answer that! I'm so sorry I have had to gross you all out but i'm too embarassed to tell anyone else! I'm just so glad you can't see my bright red face!! :oops:
I'm just going to crawl back into my hole!! :oops:
lauranjamesnbaby said:
I'm just going to crawl back into my hole!! :oops:

No pun intended?? :lol:

Maybe you feel a bit tense about putting something in there, try relaxing your muscles and prop a foot up on the toilet or side of the bath or have a relaxing soak before you try again.
good luck. x
I know its a bit weird, at first I was like there's no way I'm doing that! But it was very effective and cleared the thrush right up.

Do you have a mechanism to do it? Could you do it with your fingers instead? Might be an idea if you find it too difficult. Just do it slowly and make sure you put it in far enough so it doesn't come out.

You can do it :D and don't be embarressed, we're all human!
:rotfl: no pun intended! didn't realise what i'd said! lol
never thought to have a bath. thankyou! :hug:
Thats ok hun, and I agree about the advice about resting one foot on the toilet or bath. Just remembered thats what I did when I stuck the bugger in!
lauranjamesnbaby said:
He also nicely reminded me that I'm going to give birth so need to get used to things like this and loosen up!

Tut tut at your OH aswell lol. :rotfl:
Glad my last comment gave you a giggle! x
Just try and relax is the only advice I can really give you....not much use I know sorry!! also the tip about putting one leg up on the toilet seat of side of the bath helps stretch things a bit wider for you too

Very good of your OH to offer to do it. I know when I have thrush my OH won't go near me down there!!

Good luck

Firstly theres absolutely no reason to be embarrassed. Thrush is extremely common and alot of people get it when pregnant.

The pessarys do work well and i agree with the others you need to relax. I would either try one leg on the toilet seat or alternatively lie on your back with your knees bent. Just pretend its a tampon. If you still struggle then grab some KY jelly and pop that on the tip.

Good luck,

Claire x
I'm sure i heard somewhere that if you cough it can relax things a bit? :think: Might be wrong though but worth a try I guess.
You obviously feel quite tense, stressed and embarrased about it which is probably why you are having problems getting it in and for that reason I doubt getting OH to do it will help as you will then probably just be even more tense and embarrased you need to relax but thats easier said then done maybe you could try some bachs rescue remedy or something else herbal to help you relax (making sure you can take it in pregnancy first of course) deep breaths for awhile to relax you before you try I am sure of you can relax alittle you'll get there - the things us women have to go through! :hug: :hug:
Aww :hug: If it makes you any better, I've had to stick a pessary up there too in the past. I'd let your OH have a go, if he has offered. I mean you might as well put him to good use :D It's not like he hasn't seen your bits before ;)
aww hun, i had to use one last week, and it cleared it up sooo quickly, what a relief :D

try lying on your bed and bending your knees, use a little bit of ky or something if your having problems. also one of the girls on here advised me to do it before bed which was a good idea, bc then it gets absorbed and won't come out bc you're lying flat. the next day you get a bit of chalky discharge from it, i put a small pad on, which was fine :D

don't be embarrased, it happens to the best of us :rotfl: :hug:
Aww don't worry hun! We've all had things like that - For example, I've had to shove a tube up my bum hole :D Because of piles, but still, I was pretty tense :lol:

I used to wear latex gloves and spread a bit of the cream around the insert bit as a lubricant kind of, and it seemed to go in a lot easier for me, hope it works for you :hug:

Thankyou to all you lovely girls for your helpful advice :hug:
The joys of pregnancy! lol
I'm going to try again before I go to bed as that is when i am usually most relaxed. Thankyou again girls, your all brilliant :hug:
i've had thrush about every 2 weeks!!! grr tho only internally a couple of time, when i was perscribed the pessery..

They fizz and disolve inside you, they bloody work tho.

DH calls them fanny fizzers and makes the plink plink fizz noise when i put them in... :rotfl: :rotfl:

Get some tea tree oil to pop a few drops in the bath this seems to help me, also if you feel like your going to scratch it off still distilled witch hazel feels like heaven just pop some on a panty liner!

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