

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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hey im not sure i belong here but i just wanted some advice realy as many of u know i just suffered a second mmc in a yr :-( and they wont test for anything due to it only beeing a second mmc grrr anyways i wanted to know if it was ok to take baby asprin even if its not a blood clotting problem that is causing this i have read on net that by taking this it also aids in ttc in some ways but i didnt wanna take it if it was going to be bad, thnx ofr any advice xxx
Hi Jo Jo , Baby Asprin apparently helps thin your blood slightly , and by doing so, gives more blood to baby.

I know it's tempting, especially with whast you have been through, but I'm not sure I'd know enougth about it to try it without advice. Although you wouldn't get refered to a recurent Mc clinic yet, you could still try booking a docs appointment to ask if it's safe to try this? The worst they could say is no.. but at least you will feel better and more informed.

Hope some of the other ladies can help more, let us know how you get on. You might want to PM the lovely Hayels , as she may have more info on taking baby asprin, as they adviced her to try it at her clinic (sure she won't mind me saying so).
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Hi thnx for that jjmum much appreciated I was just cruising for advice realy but would never take anything that could harm a pregnancy I am defo gonna go docs and try n push for some simple tests like the bloot clotting one well I think u can have it done at docs maybe not I don't realy know and thnx yes I shall ask hayles thnk you xxx
Hi Jojo,

I had 3 miscarriages last year so I was referred to the recurrent miscarriage unit for tests.

My consultant asked me not to use baby asprin, at least not until he knew if I had a problem with my blood. He also said that if I did have sticky blood I'd probably need more than just asprin :shock:

As I was undergoing tests the consultant was very strict that I was not to self medicate (as all my blood tests were done without any medication in my system he didn't want me to then go and start taking anything!!)

There was nothing wrong with my blood so I was advised against Asprin full stop.

I know other women swear by it though so I would def speak to your GP.

I would also request high dose folic acid (5mg) and you need that on prescription. Sometimes miscarriages are a result of the central nervous system not forming properly and this is what FA aids.

Star33 will have lots of recommendations of tests and things you should ask for BUT as you are not legible for NHS help yet I am afraid you'd have to go private? Also I believe Star33 did end up going private anyway [even though she was legible for NHS investigations] as the NHS only test the basics.

They look at your blood, your egg quality, your hormone levels, your antibodies, your womb and they will take blood from your partner so they can check for chromosome abnormalties! Star33 had a much more in-dept investigation I am sure. Sadly she isn't on much and I don't think she accepts PM's?

I would suggest that once you feel able to TTC again you get yourself as healthy as possible (eat healthy, exercise, reduce alcohol and stop smoking if you do) and visit your GP as soon as you can to ask about baby asprin and high does folic acid.

I truly hope it doesn't come to your needing a refferal to a recurrent miscarriage clinic

Hi carnat thnx for taking time to reply means a lot,I will go see my gp about maybe getting some tests ya never know might be my lucky day hey lol and I'll also ask about the asprin and folic acid can't see either doing any harm even if not needed some ladies take asprin to help ttc but anyways I wouldn't self subscribe,I don't smoke I quite almost 3 yrs ago I have a drink once a week not drank since got bfp apart from last week after bad news I had a couple glasses of wine,I do slimming world zumba and generaly quite fitish tbh its quite ironic tho cos with my children I smoked with all enjoyed a few drinks while pregnant not loads tho don't get me wrong glass of cider once a week or somthing,didn't watch wat I ate and never took vits or folic acid and I never usualy found out I was expecting till around 8 weeks 16 with jamie eeekkk it just does not sound logical does it but again bk to my age and previous history with retained placenta and scar tissue now with 2 erpc to add to that ee well onward and upward 3rd time lucky for u hey there is hope xxxx

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hay jojo hope your starting to feel bit better. jj right i was put on asprin after test showed i do have a blood clotting problem. i didnt get any tests till after my 4mc long story bout that was meant to have the after my 3rd. any way i tried the asprin for my 5th pregnancy which also ended in mc so am having more tests done and they think that the asprin alone isnit enough. i had read loads bout taking it after my 2nd mc but decided not to un tilll i was told if i needed to or not. defo worth asking your doctor about it some will say no and i know some will say yes they dont think it will do any harm. i think nurse26 was told she could take it after her 2nd mc think she was also given injections as well even though her tests showed no clotting problem. she now has lovely little baby. so defo worth an ask xxxxxxx
hi thnx hayles much appreciated :) casnt imagine wat its like for u having 5 u poor thing do u think maybe u will need the injections? they are dragging there heels a bit rnt they grrrrr i hope u get sorted for your problem asap and u get a lovely sticky bean next time take care xxx
thanks you yer its crazy still some times find it hard to believe its been 5 times myself some times. yer think they will try injections as well next time also having some more tests done. was meant to go back today but they cancelled it till next week. hope your doctor can help you a little i know how frustrating it is when they say they want do any thing till after 3. some times though if you have a really good doctor they will do some thing. fingers crossed for you xxxxx
hope they help u more like i said cos going through it over n over like that is not gd for the mind and sole! but fc for you ,im going to pick out the best doc on the list that i think will help me and hopefully he will have had his leg over night b4 hahahahahaa and il go from there if he says no il go to next one maybe a woman might be better hmmm il think about that, xxxx
Glad you got some really good feedback there Jo Jo, thanks Nat and Hayley XX

Good luck for your appointment, now you have a plan, hassle them till they help you
thank you jjmum i will try my bestest and some hehe xxx
They are 22,19,17,14,12,6. 3 boys 3 girls :) xx

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They are 22,19,17,14,12,6. 3 boys 3 girls :) xx

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Oh wow JoJo, 3 of each!! you must have the patience of a saint!:dance:
So you have 3 yr gap, 2 yr gap, 3 yr gap, 2 yr gap! then 6 yr gap,then your angel babies X I thought I was brave wanting 5 , but wow trying for 7! Brilliant hun.

Are all your kids living at home still? I'm a bit concerned about where to sleep all of my kids and the car issue, how are you coping with these things? Had your kids gender order helped with sharing rooms etc? I have 4 kids, 13,11,10 and 16 mths. (3 boys and a girl!)

I have now got the three older ones with their own rooms, (we built a partition wall this year between a utility and kitchen,to make a camoflague army bedroom for my second son , as the boys were sharing the largest room and fighting all day long, and not going to sleep at bedtime. My duaghter now has the largest room, and my eldest the small room, and then we have the second sized room, one end decorated for us and the other, decorated for Devon (well run out of paint money now) but it has posters, toys, his cotbed and a nice rug.
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they are all at home lol including 1 boyfriend of kayleighs and jordans gd stays every second weekend so its a mad house lol it goes like this i have a 5 bed house on 3 floors..... second floor we have a large family bathroom thats the kids bathroom as all the kids bedrooms are on that floor kayleigh and her bloke are in the smallest room but she has her double bed a dressing table and a 50 inch tv in there and umpteen bags lol jordan is in next size room he has 3 quarter bed in there and draws and a 32 inch tv, next we have jessica 14 and maddison 6 in the pink bedroom lol very pink haha and jamie 17 and bradley 12 in the new york themed bedroom painted greys and new york style canvases on walls pretty cool hehe then mine is next level and i have ensuite shower n loo room and a walk in loft which is crammed full of crap lol its a big bedroom and wen i do finnaly have a baby it will stay in there with me for a while all mine have till age 2 lol and hopefully by then kaylz woulda moved out i can dream haha love her but she is outgrowing her bedroom into the rest of the house with her shoes and bags lol her n joe need there own place its time i think i hope hahahaha....i always wanted a big family im the baby of 5 1 sister 3 brothers, my son jordan was realy cut up about me losing the baby he was realy looking forward to it bless him he has always been gd with kids he will make a fantastic daddy some day :)...we had a 8 seater at one point but the kids out grew wanting to come out with us and it was always just the younger 3 so a 5 seater was enough realy,im not brave im crazy!! haha no i love the crazyness of my house but i also like bedtime lol used to love xmas wen they were smaller not so much now all they want is money and clothes n boring stuff i want a baby bk in the house for noisey toys hehe xxxxx
Your family sound lovely jojo, you will have ur baby soon, Im sure xxx
JoJo, wow that does sound like a busy house, but lovely too, My hubby would have happily stopped at two kids, but I'm one of three and always felt three was a horrible number, (being the middle one who got left out), so I wanted 4 , and now I want 5!! I do most of kids and house stuff , as Hubby's not so maternal...... but it works for me as I nagged him for more kids....

You really have a very large house, 5 bedrooms, sounds perfect for your large brood.

Your son will get his little sibling soon, he sounds brilliant with little ones, my daughter is the same, it's so nice and really does help you too. It's lovely that you have equal numbers of boys and girls too, as that must really help with the sharing of rooms. I knew that my forth would be a boy as my next youngest was a girl and so he is staying in with us, but actually it's lovely to still have him with us..

Your super fertile after a MC, and so I think you will get a speedy bfp when you TTC again, and I shall be following your journey Hun X
thnk you :) i love my big family just getting this last one is proving hard :-/ and i shall be keeping my eye on ur journey also,i seem to be stopped bleeding so waiting a few more days maybe up to a week and going to then go for it :) gd luck to us both on our journeys xxxxx

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