Help and Advice please...


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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So Charlie is 7 months next week, and id like some advice about his food...

So around 5 months we started to wean him, very slowly.. then he got a chest infection and since then we have really struggled to get him to eat anything!

i might get a some porridge down him in the morning but not always..he never has 3 meals a day and sometimes he just refuses all food so will just have bottles..

he is starting to eat a tiny bit more now..

what does your baby eat and how often...

does anyone have advice on getting him to eat or should i stop worrying, keep offering and hope he takes something??

im actually stuck on what to do!
My son was a nightmare to wean. He was fine with smooth stuff, but really struggled with any lumps until he was 10 months old, even then he was so fussy he was literally not having any variation and minimal intake every day.

I have no advice but stay calm and perservere. The turning point for Oscar was when he started nursery at 12 months, eating with his peers has made a world of difference. He's still reluctant to try new things for me, probably because of how anxious I used to be, but at nursery he's thriving and it's slowly transferring to home as well!!
Hi Kel,

I normally give Brooke her bottle first thing - around 6.45-7.00am (7oz), then I wait until she has her first nap then give her breakfast which is porridge and fruit purée. She then has her second bottle (6oz) as normal around 10-11ish then I give her lunch around 12-1ish which is veggie purée/an organic jar etc She has recently started eating a whole jar whereas before it was just half. And then either some fruit purée or a yoghurt afters. She sometimes drops her 1pm bottle if she has a lot of lunch but will still normally take 3oz. She then has about 5oz around 4pm then I give her dinner between 5-6pm, and this is normally some meat & veg, and again either some fruit or yoghurt (whatever she didn't have at lunch). Then I give her a bedtime bottle around 7ish which is 5oz. This then sees her through til about 6ish - well she wakes at 6am chatting & babbling but normally waits til 7am when Mummy gets out of bed! She's averaging about 23oz of milk a day and 3 small pureed meals. Hope this helps!

I would say just persevere, it's only now that Brooke is really wanting to eat. And they get so much still from their milk. How much milk is he having? Maybe offer some finger foods? Rice cakes or toast? Or a weetabix that he can hold with a little bit of milk? Xx
We r doing blw so might be different if you r doing tw but Holly has days when she is not interested in food or is tired or out of sorts. We just let her play with it for a bit then try again next meal time. At the mo she has 2 'meals' a day
I wouldn't worry about it and just keep offering, he will start having more when he is ready. Milk is still their main source of "food" until they are 1. I started weaning Zachary at 6.5 months as he wasn't interested before then, my mum didn't even start weaning my sister and I til 8 months, and we have had no problems xxx

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