HELP - Spotting at 10.5 weeks!!


Active Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Hi ladies,

Just wondering if any of you have any reassuring words of wisdom for me - I'm 11 weeks tomorrow & since yesterday, I've had some very slight spotting & period type twinges & I'm a bit scared!! (1st pregnancy - conceived after 18 long months of trying & various medical interventions, including fertility drugs!)

I worked out that due to my cycle being shorter than the full 28 days, even though I'm only approaching 11 weeks, I would have been due to have a period right about now, so I'm HOPING it's just a bit of harmless breakthrough spotting - what d'you think?!

Basically, sorry to be so graphic, but it's every other time or so that I go to the loo - it's only a small amount when I wipe & is a pale pinky red or brown colour & very watery etc. - almost exactly like the very last dregs of a normal period - it's nowhere near enough to even stain my knickers & isn't in my wee or in the toilet bowl etc etc.

I've got some period type twinges but they're more mildy uncomfortable than painful & are nowhere near the level of what I'd consider to be normal period pains. They were on the right side yesterday & have moved to the left today - does this mean anything d'you think?!

I called my midwife this morning who told me to go to the doctor's this afternoon & get a referral form for the early pregnancy assessment unit at the local hospital so they can scan me tomorrow. I've done this, but the doctor I saw didn't reassure me in any way - just said 'oh yes, best get that checked out eh?!'

I've now got an appt. tomorrow afternoon at 2pm for a scan. Has anyone else had this? Will they examine me fully or just do the scan? Will they tell me the estimated due date & see if everything looks ok etc etc or will it just be a quick check to see that there's a baby in there & a heartbeat etc? (I've got my standard 12 week scan in 2 weeks' time!)

Any comments/advice greatly appreciated!!

I don't have any wise words of wisdom for you just wanted to say keep possitive and I hope all is ok. Keep us posted. Lots of love xx
Ditto what Kerry said. Although it will be near impossible, try to relax a bit until tomorrow. You've made it until now and there is probably a perfectly good reason for the spotting. I had occasional brown spotting (like the end of a period) between 6-10 weeks, and all is well.
Thanks ladies - I'll try, but the next 22 hours are going to be hell!!

I'm gonna blag the day off work & take it easy till my appt.

I'm obsessed about going to the loo now though - can't stop checking!! It's still reddish brown & very watery - sometimes there doesn't seem much but then other times it seems to take several wipes to get it all. This is gross, but I've been using a hand mirror for a look & I can see very small amounts seeping out every now & then.

I still feel really period like so I'm HOPING to god that it's that - I keep reading everywhere that it's quite common for women to have very light spotting type periods when they would have been due etc. but I think cos I've not had anything at all so far & I'm so close to the magic safety of 12 weeks, it has all been a bit of a shock!! I'd started to relax slightly & think that I'd 'made it' over the first hurdle.

I'm now worrying about the fact that my morning sickness has abruptly stopped & my boobs aren't as sore anymore - ??!!

Intersetingly enough though, I did (another!) pregnancy test a few days ago & it was very strongly & immediately positive so I'm clinging to that right now!?!

God, this is sooooooooooooooooooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the support!!

hi kath, i've just been in your situation myself and i know how worrying it is! i had a very small bleed and some brown spotting + period-like cramps last weekend at 9 weeks, which then stopped. i saw my gp on monday and she arranged for me to have a scan today.

between then and today i couldn't relax at all and had convinced myself that something would be wrong, either that there would be no heartbeat or that it was an ectopic. i was SO scared just before i went in today, and when the sonographer said "see, there's the heartbeat" i started crying with relief! it was amazing to see the heartbeat and the baby even moved and everything.

you can see my scan picture in my blog, which there is a link to in my signature. my e-mail address is also in there if you want someone to vent your worries to just send me an email or a pm. i know how nervewrecking it is, but stay positive.

i'll keep my fingers crossed for you! and here's a big hug from me!

Thanks Petchy!

I'm still very worried cos now it seems to be pretty much every time I go to the loo & there seems to be slightly more of it & it's definate red-brown, although still quite mucus-like & watery, plus the period type cramps are still there on & off - argh - it's really winding me up now!!

I've double-checked my dates & I definately would have come on today or tomorrow so I'm clinging to the hope that it's one of those period type breakthrough bleeds.

When they scan you & hopefully see the baby in the right place & the heartbeat etc, if you're still spotting & cramping, how do they know it's not going to go on & miscarry a few days later?! Do they physically check you over at all?! Do you have to go back for more scans if you keep spotting & cramping?! Is there any other way they can keep monitoring you?!

God, I'm definately going to buy one of those fetal heart monitors if we get good news tomorrow that everything is ok!!!!

Sorry to be so negative, but we're so desperate for this baby & we just can't bear the thought of anything happening - we've also been really foolish & told all our family & close friends & have started to buy things etc. We'd started to relax because the supposed safety of 12 weeks was just over a week away & this has hit us like a ton of bricks.

Poor hubby is just as worried as me - he couldn't get away from work this afternoon but is taking tomorrow off to come to the scan etc. with me - he walked in the door tonight with a huge bouquet of flowers & a really tragic look on his face - it was all I could do not to burst into tears - I know I'm probably over-reacting but I just can't help it! He keeps looking at me & being all positive & encouraging & I'm desperately trying to be cheerful for his sake more than mine - god, roll on 2pm tomorrow!!!!

Thanks for the support!
What a fantastic husband you've got! Nearly made me cry reading that!

Sorry you're going through this. My doctor told me that many women bleed all the way through their pregnancies and still go on to have healthy babies.

I know it's hard but try and think positive thoughts.

I'm thinking some for you and sending them your way.

Let us know how you get on tomorrow.
Lucy x
There's an article on 'Early Bleeding, Why you don't need to worry' in this months pregnancy and birth. Might be worth a read :)
I had bleeding between weeks 4 and 8 this was a brown colour and was only when i wiped, i had 2 scans done and both showed a heart beat and they said they weren't sure what was causing it, when i got excited that everything was ok they told me it was still early days and they couldn't say what would happen but when you reach 8 weeks and a heartbeat is detected even if you're bleeding you have a 90% chance of carrying ok.

Then at 11 1/2 weeks (so close to the 12 week safety mark) i had really heavy bright red bleeding and also lost really big clots (sorry) this bleding was heavier than a period it was basically just like someone turned a tap on i was stuck on the toilet for 45 minutes until it eased off enough for me to contact the hospital (i was home alone and couldn't get to the phone this was the worst hour of my life i think) i was advised to go to the hospital so me and my partner toddled of to the hospital convinced i had miscarried but when they scanned me the baby was jumping around kicking her arms and legs, we were both crying, the dr then checked my cervix which was closed so i was sent home and told to take it easy, i bled for about 2 weeks after this but it changed to a brownish colour.

I have now finally reached 24 weeks and although i am having problems with the pregnancy (unlikely to carry full term due to shortening of cervix)baby is doing well :D

Also when my mum was pregnant with me she didn't know for 3 months cos she was having her periods still.

Good luck i hope everything goes ok for you today, let us know how it goes

Manda x x
Thanks ladies - really appreciate all your support & knowing what you've all been through helps a lot - especially the bit about after 8 weeks if there's a heartbeat, you're very likely to be fine - god, fingers crossed for this afternoon's scan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm trying very hard to think positively - I can't even begin to think about the alternative so I'm pushing it to the back of my mind right now.

It's still there - day 3 now - mostly watery red-brown & only when I wipe but pretty much every time I go to the loo, which is all the time because I'm so paranoid about it - god, why do we torture ourselves eh?!

The period type cramps/twinges have eased off but I've still got a generally sore belly & feel very like I do when I have a period, so still not sure what's going on.

I keep reading everywhere that if the scan shows baby looks ok & detects a heartbeat & your cervix is closed, then it's unlikely that you'll miscarry, but who checks your cervix?! I got the impression when the early pregnancy assessment unit called me with my appt time yesterday afternoon that I'd be in & out quickly just for a scan - they said if i wanted to wait around to try to see 'someone' (who?!) then I could - any ideas??!!

Kath. (Trying to stay calm & positive - t minus 6 hours)
There's an article on 'Early Bleeding, Why you don't need to worry' in this months pregnancy and birth.
this was a great article, i kept reading it again and again and it was pretty much helping me keep at least some sanity between last weekend and yesterday.

i worked out that my bleeding was at the time when i would have had a period normally, so it seems it was a breakthrough bleed - i do hope this is the case for you too! you are not the only one to be paranoid, i kept going to the loo to check every 30 minutes at least and was so glad when it stopped. i actually don't think i would have noticed the light brownish discharge (sorry to be gross!) if it wasn't for the drop of bright red i had beforehand.

my scan was literally "in and out" in 5 minutes, but it was such a relief just to see the heart beating. they didn't "physically check me over", but my GP did when i was there on monday, and she said the cervix was closed which was a very good sign. perhaps you can ask to be examined to make sure your cervix is firmly closed? apparently that is a very good indicator.

i wish you the very best of luck for your scan today, please let us know how you get on. i'll be signed in to the chatroom for most of the day and will keep checking it regularly if you want to chat. (i'm sneakily doing this at work, naughty me!)

I'll certainly post later to let you know how we get on!!

Good luck Sparkols, I'll be thinking of you today :)
Getting very worried now - it seems to be getting slightly more - each time I wipe there's something there & then 10 minutes later, its there again - & again - & again. It's still brown but also red, although not 100% bright red like a normal middle of a period - more like the beginning or end. There's no tissue in it I don't think but it is a bit lumpy at times - not sure if they're just tiny clots from the fact that it's seeping out slowly so probably sitting there for 10 -20 mins or longer sometimes. It's either very watery or like stained mucus.

This is so hard.

Leaving for the hospital at 1pm ish.

Trying not to cry.
Try not to worry Sparkols - I have bled most of the way through my pregnancy including very heavy and clots a couple of times, and every other day I though 'this is it'. I have had 5 scans in all now and the baby is fine and healthy and we recently had a dating scan and the baby is very active and happy.

Good luck for your scan - I'll be thinking of you - I know how much it panics you when you are so near the end of the scary bit. let us know how it goes. xxx
Just to let you know I am thinking of you Sparkols. Hope all goes well at your scan. Pleae let us know how you get on.
Oh Sparkols I really feel for you and understand that you must be terrified. Just try to remember that lots of ladies experience bleeding and go on to have perfectly healthy babies.

Take care hon and I am really hoping it all goes well for you today.

Love to you, DH and bump. xxx
Any news? I think your scan was at 2pm today.
Let us know how you got on.
Thinking of you.
Lucy x
Blighted Ovum - having miscarriage - got to go back to hospital Mon for D&C.

Both devastated - too upset to talk - sorry - thanks for your support though.
Sparkols I'm so so sorry. I've been there myself at 11 weeks too and I know how awful it is.
This may not help now but 6 months on I'm 12 weeks pregnant and all is ok so far.
I'll be thinking of you
Louise x

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