Hey there...


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
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Hi ladies....

My name is Jodie and I’ve been browsing your site for a couple of days now and have just decided that its about time i joined to say hello and introduce myself, so here i am... hello....
I got married in January and then came off my pill... Its now been 5 months that we've been trying but with no luck yet...

I'm a little worried because when i was about 19 i got PID which was caused by an std i got called Chlamydia which if left untreated long enough can make you infertile but i don’t know how long i had it so i don’t know how long it was left untreated so i was just wondering has anyone on here had PID and still conceived naturally??

My first day of my last period was May the 8th and i have a 32ish day cycle and we done the business on the 20/22/24th and hopefully today..hehe... we're these my fertile days.. I’m never going to know if i am without taking a test because i have all the same symptoms when for about 2 weeks before my period is due, i mean sore breasts (REALLY sore i mean) head aches, i put on weight, have trouble sleeping, i get REALLY tired and i feel sick so I’m just never going to know am i..lol...
Hi Jodie,
Best of luck !! My friend has two kids she concieved naturally and had PID when she was in her early twenties. Im no good at calculating fertile dates etc - sorry
:wave: hiya welcome to the forum

i havent had PID, but did find out i'd had chlamydia when i was 21, and dont kno how long i'd had it but it could have been up to seven years (i was stupid & reckless! :oops: )
i conceived naturally, in fact i was on the pill (but i was reubbish with it, i'd ALWAYS hav 3 or 4 missed pills left at the end of every month- thought it was safe to miss a few but obviousaly not :shock: )

hope that helps

good luck!
Hmmm i was young and stupid.... I was put on the mini pill which your supposed to take everyday at the same time with no 7 day break and i was rubbish with that, not only did i not take it at the same time everyday but i kinda took one missed one took one missed one for nearly a year without getting pregnant so i think its going to take me a while to fall.... :cry:
Hello and welcome, :wave:

Hope you get your BFP soon. xxx
Hiya hun :wave:

Don't worry, it took me nearly 9 months to conceive after coming off the pill, so dont worry yet!!! They say to wait a year before you seek professional help. Chlamydia only causes infertility if left untreated for a long time I was told (I too panicked when I didnt conceive after coming off the pill!)

Hope you get your BFP soon :hug:

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