hmmm what do I do


Apr 29, 2006
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I am about 2 months pregnant, found out a week ago today.I am 20 and Justin whos the same age left me the following day.My family think its best to have an abortion, but will have to be v soon, Justins mum also thinks this.She thinks I got pregnant on purpose.I'm living alone, am getting benifits because lost my job, haven't got anyone close to talk to, and am quite low.My mum and her bf think I will be ruining my life bringing up a child alone, especially with know money.I have to decide v soon what to do_Obviously know one can decide for me, but this is hard.I want a lot from life, and maybe this is to much for me to handle right know and would be kinda for my baby :( I am very lost, and have started praying in hope I will know the right thing to do very soon.Just want a little guidance :pray: xxx
hi there!
i'm 20 as well and am single, have been from about 2 months preg too: and my lovely daughter is sitting on <my knee right now :D
i'm very opinionated on the subject so apologise if i offend anyone

i think you know in your guts if you want that baby. if you can't face it and have what it takes to abort then do it, but if you feel deep down you want it then go for it, keep it! aborting would kill something in you (pardon the phrazing), in your personnality that would never come back.

good luck whatever you do xx
Hi again Sara

sounds like everyone around you has made their opinion on this all too clear. its a shame they cant just let you decide what you want and not confuse matters.

If you put aside all the other issues of money and everything and feel that you do want to have this baby then you may very well regret aborting just because everyone else says you should.

if you really want it then you'll find a way to manage and you'll do just fine. and i'm sure that family will come round if you decide to keep it.

and you'll have all of us on here to chat to when you need to.

hi hun when i was 16 i got preg to my partner at the time i knew in my heart i couldnt have his chld he was a bully and i would be trapped, i had an abortion at 8weeks it was very very hard and messed me up quiet a bit more then when i had misscarriages.

i look back now and it was for the best im now happy with my 2 babies and that partner is long gone..

i am not in favour of abortions and i do believe unless there is a serious reason no one should have them but we all make mistakes hun.
Hi, Im on my own and living on benefits and pregnant with my third, I think when you have a life growing inside you money isnt the issue its all to do with how you feel hun and what you can cope with. Everyone went mad when i announced i was preg and no-one wanted me to keep it, but its what i wanted that was important and i have decided to go it alone for my own peace of mind and ultimatley that of my unborn baby's, We are all here for you no matter what you decide but please think long and hard about whats right for you before you make your decision, take care, kaye.xx
Hiya, I am 30 weeks pregnant and single. My babys dad wanted me to have an abortion and I went to a clinic to have a termination but couldnt go through with it, and Im so glad I didnt! I went to the benifits office today after leaving work last week and have been told what im intitled to etc and although it isnt a great amount it is enough to live on. Money shouldnt be a reason to doubt having your baby, nor should family pressures. It is your life do what is right for you. You cant claim a lot of pregnancy benifits until you are 29 weeks but then you can get a higher rate of income support, maternity allowance, tax credit, maternity grant and then when baby is born your income support rate will go up as will your tax credit and ou will get child benifit too. If you are living alone oyu will get your rent paid and help with other bills.
I hope this has been some help to you, good luck for the future xx
Your going to have people tell you alot of different things right now.
But it is you and only you that can decide... look into your heart, what do you really want? I think that no matter what do your parnets will be there to support you. Your so not alone (hugs) Do what you want to do, what you feel best doing. No-one will think any less of you no matter what you decide.

Take care hun xx
i dont really know what to say BUT i know their is alot of support out their for single parents lets face it they are far more better off being single (finacially) than to be living with a partner who is working.

Only you can decide what will be best for you but im sure no one on this forum will judge you in what ever you decide to do.
If you do go through with it maybe it will be with you forever and you might regret it every day of your life
BUT look at dionne she has gone through it and is now VERY VERY happy so their is still light at the end of the tunnel in whatever you decide.

Take care and dont forget we are all here if you need to talk and get help and support your not the first and sertinlly notthe last person to go through all this but what ever you may decide my thoughts are with you at prob the most difficult descision you will ever make in your life

Take care Jean & girls
At the end of the day it is your decision and your decision only but if you do decide to abort, just remember that in the future you will no doubt feel guilty and end up beating yourself up over this
I'd say go with your instinct and your heart. No matter which decision you make we are all here to support you xxx

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