Hormoanes.. how bad are yours getting?


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Are they destroying your relationship?

for 3 days i moved out me house so that me an hubby cud spend less time together an which is stopped our arguing but came bk an only been bk a day an started arguing again :(

can it really getting any better he calls me evil now im pregnant he said i wasnt like this before makes me feel good about being pregnant not :mad:

How bad are yours getting?
Did people get over in pregnancy because me an my hubby wud be over if it wasnt the fact i was pregnant so he says :shock:

do people end relationships/marriage over hormoanes? help lol im frustrated havin to write this message haha x
i no since iv been pregnant iv said what i think, i talk to my OH like shit lately and i think it upsets him but i think he nos its because im pregnant. Also everything he does seems to piss me off like the way he does certain things! Im on a really short fuse since getting pregnant lol guess its all normal tho :) they do say having a baby can make a relationship hard guess thats the start of it lol x
its only cos ie started to say what i think now and dont care if people dont like it, i must sound horrid haha.
Hubby thinks its my hormoanes but he does say if things dont change after babys born them im gone :O please say its my hormoanes but then his temper is short fused to so i guess that dont help i think hes hormoanal to lol x
I am a beast when i'm pregnant so i am lucky i have an understanding OH. Why don't you tell your OH that you realise you are being mean and that you really don't mean it and you don't realise at the time you are doing it. Ask for his understanding :hug: xx
He does understand sometimes but then his dad comes in sayin he doesnt know how he can put up with me being like that towards him at the time i dont know im doing it honestly so he should already understand i also gave him a link to read from the net bout hormoanes an ways to help me but no he aint even read them yet so wen we do argue he gets short tempered to an the whole house fills crap with atmosphere so either way i cant win lol x
I'm quite lucky, my PMT was always awful, I would turn into a dragon a couple of days before a started, so my boyfriend and mother have learnt to just let it pass. I have to say I thought I would be a lot worse now I'm pregnant, but I just go quiet for a bit, then I'm okay again :) The past couple of days though I havn't stopped crying, anything can trigger me off, even happy things!! This is made my boyfriend a little shocked as I'm really not one to cry often, but apprently it's cute :eh:
I think i will find there everything i need to know about my pregnant wife.. thanks for forums like this :]
I think pregnancy and then parenthood is the most testing of any relatshionship no matter how strong it is. I am pregnant with my second and thought things would be great as we had been though it all before, but I'm getting the 'you're turning into a monster' speech when I feel hormonal. I think men go though a hormonal imbalance when around pregnant women to be honest!!.:)
Awww hun, so sorry you're not having an easy time. Pregnancy is so hard, I nearly left my OH over defrosting chicken for goodness sakes!

I still have my moments and I cry so easily its just ridiculous. Im trying to do nice things for him when Im not feeling angry so at least he gets some nice time. The other night after he washed up I just gave him a hug and a little talk about how I have noticed he's doing more around the house to help out and Im really grateful. I even had :bd: with him last week ! lol

Still, if he's not giving you anything to complement him about then you will both just go into a downward spiral. Its not fair him saying you're only together cos youre pregnant. If my OH said that to me I think I would have walked out the house too. You've both got to sit down and decide whether you're commited to making it work or not. We had to do that after chicken gate. We both have to make the effort, and Im having to remember to stay off the laptop in the evenings. but its hard and if I didnt feel like he loves me and notice how he is also making an effort then I dont think I could do it.

This is a time when the man has to be the strong one in the relationship. Some men just cant handle that, especially the mummies boys! My OH is terrible for that sometimes but Ive just told him straight that he's got to be strong and look after me.

Good luck hun, hope things pick up for you. And just bear in mind, yes you are the one with the hormones but if he expects you to make and effort he should too. A relationship ends because of 2 people not just one.
I'm usually a monster in the first tri but have to admit that my hormones have defo improved in the past week or so, so maybe yours will calm down too. Hope your OH is more supportive soon, it doesn't help to be called a monster - my OH just goes in a different room lol we are lucky we have a big house! He lets me call off and goes on like nothing ever happened! Hope things improve soon xx
oh hun... hope it settles soon...

i cried one day cos oh wanted kfc and not chinese?!

so we got chinese and i didnt want mine.

:D im a woman its my perogative!!! xx
lisa that one is brilliant!!

Ive cried a lot recently cos we're moving house. I cried in allied carpets cos the quote was more than I expected and got a £300 discount in the end! lol! And I cried a LOT cos our rental house has damp and mould is growning everywhere, I convinced myself that it was gonna kill our baby. Despite not being able to find any evidence of this ANYWHERE. Then I frantically bleached all the walls and cried because I forgot I wanted to avoid harsh chemicals while pregnant.

I think Im just thirsty all the time from crying so much!!
:lol: @ Lisa

I think I've still got mine, bar the crying part. I don't do crying :rofl:
haha i swear and i dont cry at anything!!!! LOVING the crying in allied carpets and even moreso the discount!!! i havent been that emotional but have done the odd thingand then afterwards think ohhh shit lol but its all his fault he done this to me so he has to suffer the consequences!! :D xxx
hi ladies.

My OH is being great actually, and i think we have to be positive that at least we are actually aware we are being monsterlike at times. we had an argument last night actually, and it started by me looking at the 'interesting' dinner he had started cooking after work. Looking back, i was a real COW and i still need to apologize later on :(
it must be hard for them too sometimes.......kinda exciting and scary, and i secretly think deep down they must envy that its us women that get to carry the baby and not them! im sure men couldn't cope mind-you, but hey. im trying to be nice, but in answer to your original post, im 8+2 and my hormones are always up and down, more so down at the mo! OH is now hoovering as i do this!! Bless him. its just because i cant stand the smell of the dog at the mo though! it must be the sense of smell thing! causing lots of heated moments actually....but just remember to try and calm down ASAP cuz not good for baby. i always feel guilty after ive exploded cuz not healthy to be stressed at all!

Take care
Awww hun, so sorry you're not having an easy time. Pregnancy is so hard, I nearly left my OH over defrosting chicken for goodness sakes!

I still have my moments and I cry so easily its just ridiculous. Im trying to do nice things for him when Im not feeling angry so at least he gets some nice time. The other night after he washed up I just gave him a hug and a little talk about how I have noticed he's doing more around the house to help out and Im really grateful. I even had :bd: with him last week ! lol

Still, if he's not giving you anything to complement him about then you will both just go into a downward spiral. Its not fair him saying you're only together cos youre pregnant. If my OH said that to me I think I would have walked out the house too. You've both got to sit down and decide whether you're commited to making it work or not. We had to do that after chicken gate. We both have to make the effort, and Im having to remember to stay off the laptop in the evenings. but its hard and if I didnt feel like he loves me and notice how he is also making an effort then I dont think I could do it.

This is a time when the man has to be the strong one in the relationship. Some men just cant handle that, especially the mummies boys! My OH is terrible for that sometimes but Ive just told him straight that he's got to be strong and look after me.

Good luck hun, hope things pick up for you. And just bear in mind, yes you are the one with the hormones but if he expects you to make and effort he should too. A relationship ends because of 2 people not just one.

we had a talk and i only left due to the stress of the baby and i didnt need the stress myself.

So when we argue now which havent had one yet but he goes on about my hormoanes :shakehead: lol.

Although ive been very nice to him lately ;) and because hes showed me little more attention i thought i would to an now we are both making the effort when im not so knackered lol xx
I cry at just about anything now days small things, i tried putting the thing on the dog the lead/bit where she has to have something on her nose cos she pulls alot (white alsation) and she managed to get it off her nose once i was that fed up i was shouting aswell an even cried an sat on the stairs lol haha came round in the end somehow lol xx
Since the day I found out I was pregnant I have been crazy with the hormones.

I find that I dont take any crap and I am saying what is on my mind alot more. My OH gets quite a bit of grief from me and at first he took it really personally and got upset but he knows now that I am hormonal and I cant help it so it has helped things more now I explained that!

He said he hopes the hormones settle on the next trimester!!! lol
I am so glad that you have posted this, me and my OH have been arguing like mad, i dont feel im doing anything wrong and neither does he. We don't live together and only get to see each other at weekends because im stil at uni. I cried and cried yesterday, feels like he doesnt care or try to understand. I wish he would be moe considerate and thoughtful. So I deffo undersatnd how you feel! hopefully things will settle, i hope thing get better for you!xx

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