How did your labour start?


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2018
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I’m just plodding along waiting for this baby to come.. So in order to give me something to do, please tell me how and when your labour started! :) My last baby was induced at 39+2 so I’ve never gone into spontaneous labour, I feel like a first timer.
My baby made an appearance at 39 weeks exactly! I started with mild contractions the day before she arrived at 8:30 in the morning (but kept waking up with back ache through the early morning) which I was convinced was Braxton hicks! Carried on working from home, they were getting stronger and closer throughout the day.. walked the dogs early evening then popped to see my horse, got home and my waters went! Then off to hospital at 10pm and my little one arrived at 2.25am after 20/30 mins of pushing in the pool! Hope your little one comes naturally on time for you!
1st - started with period cramps at 5pm that then stopped at 10pm. My waters went at midnight and contractions started thick and fast. He was born at 3:43am via emcs.

2nd - woke up with immense pressure and couldn’t actually sit down so had to kneel, guessing his head was super low. Period cramps started at 9am which continued to get stronger then my waters went At 2:35pm and I needed to push, he was born at 3: 03am.

3rd - I was induced by them breaking my waters at 2pm, nothing happened so I started the drip at 5pm. The contractions started at 6:30pm and he was born at 7: 08pm.

4th - I was at hospital to be induced but they were too busy. 1am I noticed a couple of pains, 1:15am my waters popped. Contractions were very irregular in spacing and intensity until 7am when the midwife was going to do an examination and ctg. I believe that the contractions were so irregular because we were left all night due how busy they were with zero support (they didn’t clean up the bed my waters broke all over until gone 5am) so I don’t think I was relaxed enough for labour to start properly as I knew my last labour was quick. I was 8cm at 7:40am and she was born at 7:53am!
1st - on my due date, started with worst tummy ache and a huge poo explosion (sorry for tmi :D), didn’t really think anything of it and went to bed. Woke up 2 hours later with period pains in my tummy and back, still didn’t think much of it until I noticed that they eased off and then came back every 5-10 mins. Realised this was labour! Stayed at home for 24 then decided to go to hospital, was 4-5cm dilated when I arrived. She was born 12hrs later by emergency c-sec.

2nd - a week before my due date. Early evening I had some really strong shooting pains in my tummy and into my fanny, but it went away. Carried on as normal, went to bed, but woke up around 2am with period pains in my tummy and back, coming and going pretty regularly, they got stronger quite quickly and I had a feeling my waters were leaking. Woke my partner up at around 6am, and we decided to meet my mum at the hospital at 7am (she was having eldest daughter) to try and beat the rush hour traffic.
On arrival I was 3-4cm dilated and hind waters were trickling. She was born 16hrs later by emergency c-sec.

I’ve never had braxton hicks in any of my pregnancies so no idea how they compare to actual labour pains.
Baby 1: Waters broke when I was watching a funny movie with the oh. I might have been laughing a bit too much, we quickly got serious after though lol! I was only 36 weeks!
1AM water broke
5AM regular contractions started
9AM I was at 4cm
11:40 DD1 was born.

Baby 2: Waters broke while on the monitor for a check up at 40+1 at the birthing center.
11AM: 3cm dilated
12Noon: Waters broke, was 5cm then
1PM: 9cm
13:17 DD2 was born.
Lower back pain that just got more and more intense from when I woke...Also had the shit's for the whole day 'clear out' lmao. Also my bloody show in the afternoon and he was born at 12:38am the following morning.
Does anyone remember how long it was for them between losing their mucus plug and going into labor?
Yes, I lost my mucus plug today! It's still a bit early though, I'm only 36+4.

Ahhhhh! Omg I was trying to do the maths in my head thinking 'I'm sure she's still 36 weeks'. 37 is classed as full term though, I think? So only three days until then. I'm so excited! Haha.
Does anyone remember how long it was for them between losing their mucus plug and going into labor?

I usually lose it bit by bit over a few weeks. The only time I've lost it all in one go (so far) has been with my first and that was when I was in transition.

I think everyone, and even each pregnancy, is so different that you can't really predict when labour will likely begin based on it.
1st I was induced at 38w so like you I had no idea what to expect with number 2.

2nd I went into labour naturally at 40+2 (hadnt had a sweep or anything). Wasnt sure if I was losing my plug for a few weeks or if I just had a lot of discharge. Had what I thought might have been a contraction at 2245, starting timing. First was 15mins, but rapidly went down to 12mins and then 8mins. They then quickly went down to every 5mins and lasting 50secs. By 0030 I had called the hospital and then told me to make my way in in an hr. By the time I got to the hosp at 0130 the pain had ramped up and they were every 3.5mins. When they examined me at 0210 I was 9cm. I was shocked. I then got gas and air. Baby was born at 0251. My mw said the bloody show and waters broke when I started pushing
Thanks for sharing your stories ladies! I've had contractions 10mins apart for a really long time now (days and days) but they won’t progress. I’m so miserable :(
I hope it kicks in soon @WinterWolf. Do you have the opportunity to get a sweep to try to get it going properly? Or go for a walk up and down stairs or on a sidewalk with one foot walking in the gutter. When I've been like that (contractions for days) walking usually gets it going.
I hope it kicks in soon @WinterWolf. Do you have the opportunity to get a sweep to try to get it going properly? Or go for a walk up and down stairs or on a sidewalk with one foot walking in the gutter. When I've been like that (contractions for days) walking usually gets it going.

I’ve done so much walking.. so so much. Cervical checks hurt so badly last pregnancy that I’m actually terrified of having a sweep! I don’t have another appointment before 41wks and they won’t bring it forward. Not sure if they’ll offer a sweep then.
Do you have a gym ball to bounce on? Helps baby get in the right position apparently, and walking sideways up and down the stairs
Does anyone remember how long it was for them between losing their mucus plug and going into labor?

I didn't use my mucus plug till I was in labor. Have you contacted anyone? To just get checked out?
I’ve done so much walking.. so so much. Cervical checks hurt so badly last pregnancy that I’m actually terrified of having a sweep! I don’t have another appointment before 41wks and they won’t bring it forward. Not sure if they’ll offer a sweep then.

I really feel for you. I can't believe they won't give you an appointment again until you are 41 weeks! My experience is once you go over 40 weeks you tend to see your care provider more often than once a week.
I lost my mucus plug at around 04:30 am, @EmilyMaria and gave birth that day at 13:17.
It was more of a bloody glob of mucus lol
Sorry for the mental image!:lol:

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