How I ended up with the love of my life Harry James born 04/12/12


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Nov 2, 2012
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I feel that now is the time to finally put into words how lucky I am to have such a wonderful boy.

My journey really started in April 2007. After years of heavy and unpredictable periods,i was finally diagnosed with polycystic ovaries and told i may have trouble conceiving. At the time i was 24 and wasnt thinking about children as my career was just taking off so i threw myself into work and put it to the back of my mind until i had to face up to it.

Imagine our suprise in December 2008, me and OH found out we were expecting our first child. We had been together nearly 2 years at this point and although it wasn't planned we were both over the moon. The midwife hsd been to see us and i had my scan date through so When I started bleeding at work it was hard not to panic, so I calmly left and went to the hospital who told me my cervix was still closed but to come back after the weekend when I would be scanned. The bleeding continued all weekend, and I knew that was it as it had turned from bleeding to clotting.
Finally Monday arrived (mine and OH's 2nd anniversary) and I was told that no heartbeat could be detected and that baby stopped growing at about 10 weeks. Needless to say we were devastated. I'll never forget that day as the hospital then sent us to wait for the midwife in a room full of happy couples holding their scan pictures. The midwife was brilliant though, and I had to arrange to come into the hospital for the day to have a pessary inserted to pass the baby.
A few days later I went to hospital and was put on a drip and the pessary inserted. I was in hospital 12 hours until they were happy everything had passed and let me go home. Where I curled up in a ball and just cried.
I decided I never wanted to feel that kind of pain again so went to the doctors to be put on the depo injection, and yet again went back into work a week later to block out the pain.

Around this time I had my smear test and didn't think anything else of it until about 8 weeks later my results returned with mild changes. This would start a process of 3 years of colposcopys and biopsys to make sure the abnormal cells didn't get any worse. So every couple of months I went to hospital to have part of my cervix taken for testing. Finally in June 2011 my doctor decided to treat the cells with cold coagulation and in September 2011 my cell tests were finally back to normal.
During this process I came off the injection after reading various articles and convincing myself it would affect my fertility. Cue panic when I came off injection in July 2010 and my periods didn't return until November 2011.

By now my OH and I were saving like mad to buy a house and probably not being as careful as we could have been since I came off my injection.

Good news arrived in April 2012 when I found out I was pregnant again! Obviously we didn't want to get too excited in case of what might happen. When I started bleeding again at work in may we completely expected the worst. Blood tests confirmed I was pregnant but I would have to wait 2 days for a scan at the EPU.
Scan day came and me and OH had worked out i was about 7 weeks. Imagine our surprise when the sonographer said we were 9+6! We couldn't hold back the tears when she showed us our baby dancing away on the screen!

So that was it, our baby was due on 22nd December. I only slightly relaxed. I'll never know the cause of the bleed. Our next scan at 13+2 showed baby lying on its back with its hands behind its head!
We decided to stay team yellow and apart from spotting a couple more times during my pregnancy (due to my cervix having had the biopsy) I had it very easy, no sickness and I bloomed! I went to Greece at 28 weeks until 30 weeks and although I swelled we still walked to the beach and swam everyday! I moved house after that at 33 weeks (6 months after putting an offer in!) and I worked till 35 weeks, I would have worked longer but wanted to get the house in order.
Until 36 weeks when I developed itching and was sent to hospital. I was monitored and blood tests taken and the next day I was diagnosed with cholestasis. I was put on tablets and unable to drive. It was arranged that I would see a consultant on 5th December to arrange induction as they didn't want to leave me past 38 weeks as the risk to the baby increases.
On 4th December at 5am (i wad 37+3)I got out of bed to go to the toilet and a big gush of water went over the floor, my first thought was that I'd wet myself!! Phoned my mum and hospital who told me to come in at 9am to confirm it was my waters. Slight pain but that was all.
OH took me to my mums on the way to work and she came with me to hospital. It was confirmed my waters had broke. I was 3 1/2 pounds lighter than the week before which explained the gush and amount of water but the midwife was in hysterics when I explained it to her as its not that common to gush! Contractions were irregular so sent home and if noting happened would be induced at 9am the next day.
Went back to mums, had a bath and some cheese on toast! My brother and his girlfriend came round with a load of chocolates for me! By 2pm contractions were getting stronger so started pacing to ease them. Hospital said to come in when 3-5 mins apart and lasting 1 min.
By 5pm this was the case so we made our way in and was sent straight to delivery suite. OH arrived around 6pm when midwife checked me and said I was 4cm. Had to be monitored constantly due to the cholestasis.
I then went on the gas and air but could not sit on the bed as it was too painful do bounced on the ball and walked up and down. At 8.30pm I was exhausted so got on bed and midwife said I was fully dilated!! 4cm to 10cm in 2 and a half hours!! (apparently I let gravity do its job by not sitting down!) I was now ready to start pushing.
This is where it becomes a blur for me, I remember my legs being put in stirrups, the gas being taken off me and an oxygen mask put over my face. Also a lot of people came running in the room. My next memory is of my mum shouting 'will you just push' and my baby arrived.
What I didn't know at the time was that all the instruments were ready to pull him out as his heart rate had dropped due to him having the cord wrapped round his neck.
I remember looking at OH who was crying his eyes out and he said 'it's a boy' and I cried too, my own little boy!!

Harry James was born on 4th December 2012, 18 days early at 9.15pm weighing 6lb 11oz

Wow that felt good to write down my journey as I have never quite put into words how it felt throughout the years. :) I'm now excited to continue my journal about my little boy and how motherhood feels but it's exhausted me just writing about the past couple of years!!

But for now I am one proud mummy :)
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Awe what an emotional read. Congratulations on you special little man xxxxx
Aw! What a lovely journal... Little monkey!!!xxxx
Thank you, that's the first time I've put it into words, this forum is amazing and I'm glad there is a place to put everything down and look back on it in the next few years.

Harry is now 3 months old and is such a happy smiley baby. Last weigh in was 2 weeks ago and he was just over 11lb.
He has always been a good sleeper from being born, only waking once a night (occasionally 2) and at 11 weeks he started sleeping through the night. This carried on until his 12 week injections, combined with a growth spurt had him waking once a night again.

Surprisingly motherhood did come naturally to me, even though it's not easy we have found a way to keep us both happy. I think I'd describe myself as a traditional mum. I don't believe in things like controlled crying, Harry will be fed/changed/rocked etc.. If he crys. He got himself into his own routine quite quickly as I just went with the flow with what he needed.
I don't like dummies. Harry will never have one. I would rather deal with the crying now and realise what's wrong than the temper tantrums in a couple of years time. That's not to say I think they are wrong, I just personally won't be using one.

The thing I have struggled the most with is the constant pressure to leave your baby with people. 'Have time to yourself' 'Get your housework done without a baby around' NO!!!! I've had 29 years to myself and I'm not going to remember if I had a tidy house or not when I'm looking back on Harry as a baby!
I leave him every week with my mum (who I trust 100%) while I go to slimming world for an hour or so but the main pressure comes from OH's mum. She actually said 'if you ever get fed up bring him round' why would I get fed up of my own baby!!!!!
But, as usual OH doesn't take a blind bit of notice and arranged his mum to have him while we went for a meal. Longest 3 hours of my life. Well, that was the first and last time. Everything I said was ignored and she changed his nappy on a gorgeous white blanket I use to cover him up (a present from my Nanna) and got poo on it. Didn't even wash it. Then gave my the lovely poo stained blanket back! I was horrified, I would have just stuck it in the washer if that was me.

So being a mummy is fabulous! I love watching him learn and grow and the smile I get every morning when I pick him up is worth everything. Sloppy gushing mum moment there but I know everybody feels the same.


My little smiler at about 2 months.

Harry had his 3 / 4 month development check this week and is meeting all his milestones. He puts on a good show when he has an audience and smiled all the way through!
He is just over 15 weeks now and on Wednesday weighed 13lb 2oz. He has been following the 9th centile line perfectly since he was born but is now above it. He loves his food so much!

And he is now one spoilt little boy. As he is my mum and dads first grandchild, they love to treat him. This usually means carrier bags from Next and Marks and Spencer whenever I go round! Last week there was also a high chair and travel cot waiting for us!
My dads favourite is a musical train he bought but it is loud!! Harry is still a bit unsure of it.

Motherhood is by far the best thing that has happened to me. To wake up every morning to a huge gummy smile off my little man just melts my heart! He is such a pleasant chilled out little boy and I really do know how lucky I am to have him. He chats and smiles away to me (when he is not sleeping or eating - typical lad) and very rarely cries.
I just can't believe how quick it's going. When I left work somebody said to me 'Enjoy every minute as you don't realise where the time goes' and they are so right!
So Harry is doing well and I'm still in awe that I created him! His 3rd set of injections are a week on tuesday so I'm fully expecting tears! The poor boy had that many needles and blood tests when he was born, it just brings back memories of our second night in hospital.

I've only now come to terms with the reasons I didn't breast feed. I tried in hospital but the support was terrible and we just couldn't do it. Harry became dehydrated on our second night and the midwife was concerned with his breathing and how drowsy he was. I was hardly producing anything to feed him (tiny bits into syringes) and he wasn't getting enough. We spent all night in a paediatric room with him being monitored and taking blood to test. Midwife said he is dehydrated, we need to make a decision and we went with some formula and he started to perk up. After this night at 8am (just as we were napping) a woman from the breast feeding brigade pulls back my curtain and proceeds to tell me how I'm going to feed my son. I was knackered and upset that I couldn't feed my child properly and she wouldn't take no for an answer.
I felt very vulnerable and under a lot of pressure to do the right thing but the fact of the matter is that formula was the right way to go with Harry and he thrived after that. My mum had a quiet word with these women and they then left me alone. I never went back to breast feeding as the experience at the hospital totally knocked my confidence.

But now I look at my healthy happy baby and the feelings of failure aren't there anymore as there is nothing wrong with him. Still a happy baby and a happy mummy :)


The little man has been keeping me busy!
Last weigh in (18th April) Harry weighed 14lb 12oz. Little chunk has pretty much moved up to the 25th centile (been hovering around 9th since birth) he just loves to eat!
He will be 5 months on Saturday and is still an angel child. Sleeping through the night, chatty and playful in the day.
Even when he whinges (which he is starting to do abit more as he is starting teething) its not a problem as he never does it.
We are off to weaning group on the 8th may as he is definetly ready but I'm holing off and trying to get as close to 6 months as I can. He seems to be satisfied (for now!) with an extra bottle.
Been out and bought the most gorgeous suit from next as its OH's brothers wedding on sat.
Also our first family holiday was so much fun! Harry had his first trip to the beach (the sun came out!!) and in the pool. Thought it might unsettle him being away but the sea air must have done some good as he slept 12 hours every night we were away. At home he does 10.
Heres a few pics from our time there



And this was yesterday with his strong head :)


Still loving being a mum and feeling lots better now we can get out in the fresh air and just sit in the garden! It's no fun being a winter baby!

Harry's half birthday is tomorrow, where have the last 6 months gone!
He has been keeping me very busy, he learnt to roll over 2 weeks ago and that's it now, he loves it!
We started weaning a week ago. After much deliberation we decided to go down the route of traditional weaning. He's taken to it so well, up to now he's had porridge, banana and strawberry.
Seems to love strawberry!
He's also a proper little person now, really loud and chatty. He still loves men and is a complete daddy's boy.
No teeth yet although I think they are imminent, we had a really really bad week but we are now learning to manage it with teething granules and cold bottles.
Being a mum is still absolutely amazing and we still sit here and wonder how we created this gorgeous little person!

Loving his food


Enjoying his high chair


Waiting for the sun


2 days ago Harry learning to roll from front to back but can only go one way so pretty much does the length of the room, you literally cannot stop him!
Now today he has started to realise if you kick your legs you move, so he is now on the move!
My mum said I did this as a child, never crawled, just pointed my head in the direction i wanted to go and just went for it, then one day I just pulled myself up and started walking!

Still no teeth but the poor boy is constantly dribbling!
We are now on 2 small meals a day, he has taken to it really well! Typical boy just eats and sleeps!
I love how he is becoming his own little person now, he is still such a happy, chilled out baby and I hope it carries on.

Here's the little man having a play with his daddy


And his dad making him pose like a little indie boy!


And finally my little smiler


Weighed on Friday and now 16lb 7oz.
Still no teeth and weaning going really well, going to try meat this week, it's so exciting to see his little face when he eats!
Cannot believe we are past the 6 month mark already. Here is my fabulous little man this week


Well Harry is now sitting up! From slouching to sitting up within a couple of days! I still put pillows behind him just in case but he started flopping to the side today and he rectified himself and sat up straight again! I was with my mum and we were both nearly crying!

He can still only roll in one direction though and I find my day just running after him but I wouldn't have it any other way.

He keeps me so busy and it's hard to find the time to keep up with this but he's now fast asleep and I'm sat in the garden with a nice cold wine so what better time to do it.

I'm so proud of my fabulous little boy and I'm going to enjoy every single waking minute of the next 7 weeks before I go back to work.
I couldn't ask for a better boy, he's still happy, chatty and pleasant but now he's worked out how to play mummy and daddy and get his own way. I love him so much and I love being his mummy.

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Mum to Harry James 4/12/12
Giving me my birthday card before he tried to eat it, blurred as he wouldn't sit still!


Attacking his teddy


Us at OH brothers wedding in may


We finally have a tooth! After what seems like months of teething it popped through out of nowhere!
We can see the second one under the gum too.
Harry is having bath time with daddy so just popped on here before his bedtime feed.
Here's my little man who this week has decided he's a belly sleeper too!


Arrgggh 2 teeth in 2 days!
The second bottom one has popped through today!
Weighed this morning and now 17 lb 6oz.
It's all happening with my gorgeous boy!

Posing while eating today


Me and my boy


Just sorting through my pictures and came across this!
My baby when he was born, looks like a little bruiser and much bigger than his 6lb 11oz!


Harry is now well into his crawling, he is just into everything. He has been doing it properly for about a week and his knees are bright red!
On Tuesday he pulled himself up from crawling into a sitting position and then toppled back over so not quite there with that yet!
And today we had our first word!! Been repeating mama to him for months and what comes out of his mouth today 'dada' and OH heard it loud and clear so I can't even get away with saying it was mama!
I now return to work in 3 1/2weeks so making the most of all these new things with my little man!

Having a drink on daddy's knee


Red knees from all the crawling!


Well Harry was 8 months yesterday, time is flying!
He can't keep still and now prefers to be on his belly crawling than rolling. Yesterday he was sat playing in his cot while me and OH put the finishing touches to his room and he went from sitting to standing and then back down again on his bum, I don't know who was more shocked, us or him!
He is also now such a chatterbox!! 'Dada' 'lala' 'nana' (which my mum loves) and then blows raspberries when he's finished talking!
Still no mama though!
Here's a couple of pics of his new room which he will be going in at the end of the month when I go back to work




And daddy trying to create a genius by practising his walking!!


Today we had standing up!!
I was a my mums and he crawled over to the stairs, I sat behind him and he pulled himself up into a standing position! Me and my mum were like 'oh my god!' He fell back down again and my mums at it 'no, he's not ready yet, next he will be walking and the he will be 1!' Made me laugh!

Still chilled out, this is how I found him in his cot a couple of days ago


This was him having a munch today


Well Harry is now 18lb 9oz!
Jumped up from just under 25th centile to now between 25th and 50th! I'm surprised as he's dropped milk for food (between 10-15oz a day) and he will not sit still!
He hardly rolls anymore, he is constantly crawling everywhere and he's fast! When he gets to something he pulls himself up (got the shock of my life the other day, he was stood up in the travel cot chewing on the side!) and his new trick is to turn round and let go with one hand to try and walk to you. He's soo not ready for this and falls over every time but it doesn't stop him trying!

We have the 3rd and 4th tooth under the gum, it looks like its come through but when you feel it hasn't, I'm hoping its soon coz he struggles with his teeth.

Harry is now in his own room, I go back to work on Tuesday so it makes sense. He's totally oblivious and I keep waking up and wandering in to check on him (we have a monitor) I just miss him sleeping by my side.

So, 3 more days left with my gorgeous boy, I've enjoyed every minute of being at home with him and I'm very emotional about returning to work.

Well Harry is now 10 months old and I've been back at work 6 weeks, time is flying!
Work is going well although the beginning of the week is hard, I leave him 12 pm Monday and don't see him until 5 pm Tuesday due to my shift pattern. I know he's in good hands though.
And he always has a cuddle and kiss for me when I go to pick him up!

We have 4 fully grown teeth and 2 more top ones just under the gum, hopefully these will be through soon! He loves brushing his teeth ( we do it together ) and moans when I take his toothbrush off him!
He's shuffling along furniture, and always grabbing my hand to go for a walk but he's not steady or confident enough to do it himself yet (but he will fling himself at anything?) and when he's walking along will mumble all sorts of words to himself!
For weeks it's been 'hiya dada' or 'yeah,yeah, yeah' constantly!! Then all yesterday is was 'mama aww' I've not a clue where he gets stuff from!!
Birthday and Christmas are round the corner now and it makes me emotional to think he will be 1 soon! So far we have bought a rocking caterpillar, vtech garage, light projector, clothes and books. I'm not getting too much as he's already spoilt rotten!
We also have his christening on 27th October so that's the next thing we are looking forward to.

I still look at him and wonder how I produced this amazing boy!

We have a week off work as a family now so plenty of days out and time spent together. Can't wait!!

Here's a few pictures




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