How I ended up with the love of my life Harry James born 04/12/12

Well Harry is now nearly 11 months and weighs in today at 19lb 3oz.
We now have 6 teeth and He's learnt a new word at my mums this week which is clock so everything is a clock now!
He stands unaided for a couple of seconds and has took about 4 steps in his travel cot with the safety of the sides to bounce off. He won't try if he's not in there but seems to enjoy trying to run from one side to the other!
We had his christening on Sunday and he was an absolute angel all the way through. We had a fabulous day. A couple more weeks and it's 1st birthday time! Can't wait but sad at the same time as it's gone so fast!
Here's Harry on his christening day




He is such a gorgeous little man Emma!

I barely have time to write in here anymore, working full time and looking after Harry takes up all my time!
He's such a funny, sociable little boy now and loves being with his Nanna and grandad when I go to work, he waves me off when I go and doesn't really bother that I'm not there, he has too much fun with his grandad (I'm lucky my dad works from home so I plan my shifts around when he's quiet) but it never gets any easier for me to leave him.
It's crazy to think that this time last year I was 2 days away from giving birth. I had no clue that he was coming.
The last year has been the best of my life, I can't put into words how much I love him and how proud I am of him. I still want to cuddle him like a baby but he just wants to be off exploring!
So first birthday in 2 days, we are having an all day tea party so people can drop in when they like.
Here's a few recent photos

Big boy sat on a chair


His first ever piece of chocolate (out of his advent calendar)

My boy is now 1!
He's been walking for a couple of weeks at my mums but won't do it for me. Anyway he did it the night before his birthday, I picked him up after work and he just turned round and walked to me. So emotional, especially as I was already emotional about him turning one!
We had a fab day! He was spoilt rotten and was good as gold all day. Can't believe my baby is one! A couple of pics from the day



Christmas was amazing. The week and a half before was a complete write off as I was working 7-7 so hardly saw him. Xmas eve came and my boss said I could leave at 6, I could have cried! I was so exhausted from all the hours and no days off I raced home, locked the door!
Harry didn't wake up until quarter to 8 and this is what he woke up to

He was spoilt rotten and now I have a house full of toys and he's got a bulging wardrobe! He enjoyed himself so much. With all the excitement he didn't sleep and was curled up in my arms by 7pm! I had 3 days off work and they were by far the best 3 days we have had together. All in all a great couple of days!





Well, 14 months old today! Time is flying!
We have a proper little walker now, he's gone from taking steps a few weeks ago to running round the house. Had him weighed a few weeks ago and he's 19lb 6oz and 75cm tall. Think he will be tall and slim like his dad (not short and fat like me haha)
His favourite words are grandad (pronounced dandad) and all gone ( usually while chucking something over his shoulder!)
Still only got 7 teeth but I think it's all starting up again as he's been a bit whingy and red cheeked at times.

We have had 2 trips to the doctors, 1st one was a rash which turned out to be a slight reaction from his MMR but we discovered he had swollen tonsils and the 2nd time his bum was so sore he couldn't sit down, turns out as he was a bit off ( constant runny nose and on and off cough ) he wee and poo mixed together and became acidic and burnt his poor bum :-( all better now though.

We also had his first haircut, he was good as gold and all went well. I just miss him so much when I'm working. Here's a few pics

Headphones on

His new favourite game

First haircut


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We now have shoes! He still looks too small to be in them but he loves them. Last week he was 20lb 1oz and 78cm tall. I cannot believe where the time has gone. He says quite a few words now and talks away (although most of it is jumbled up!) he loves the bin men and will walk over to the window and point saying 'man, gone'
Had a lovely week off work with Harry and don't want to leave him to go back!
A few pictures
16 months old today!
Got a peaceful evening so just read back through this journal and can't believe where the time has gone.
I'm so lucky to have a happy sociable little boy, even though the poor thing keeps getting coughs and colds, it doesn't stop him smiling.
I can't keep him inside now, all he wants to do is run round the garden and is completely obsessed with windmills ('minmill') and airplanes ('ara') he can spend a good half an hour running round with his windmill planting it in the soil!
His speech is so great but really random! Another fave is bin men ('minmen') which we have to run to the window and watch them till they go! Their brains are like sponges and he actually understands what I'm telling him, if he wants to go outside he will get his shoes and coat and then bring my shoes!

Sometimes feel like a bit of a crap mum coz of work as I don't see much of him when I'm in. He loves being with my mum and dad though so that makes it easier.

Here's a few pics




A nice long week and a half off work with my little man now!
Cannot believe where the last nearly 18 months have gone.
Harry just runs rings round us all now, he eats like a horse so has plenty of energy. He's a proper outdoor kid and always on the go, digging, watering flowers, planting things and trying to take things apart (he's obsessed with nuts and bolts and will spend ages just turning them round)

He understands so much now, everything is 'this' 'that' and 'there' and will say yes or no to different things.

We haven't yet found a food that he won't eat! He's a huge fan of fish, to be honest it's very rare he won't finish a meal and then eat a pudding afterwards.

We have had no bottles for about 6 weeks now and it's great! All he drinks is water out of his beaker, won't have anything else.

Still can't believe where the time had gone and my gorgeous man continues to suprise me everyday.

Some recent pics






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A few recent pics




Wow, nearly 2nd birthday time!
Harry is still as great as ever, full of energy and a proper little chatterbox!
Favourite things to say at the moment is 'sit there mummy' it's all becoming easier now as he can quite happily entertain himself while I get ready for work.
I've managed to get myself a job at a store 5 minutes from my house, start in December so looking forward to spending what I'd normally be travelling at home!
Went on holiday in October and he was just a dream, so easy going and loved the beach! While we were there OH proposed so June 2016 we are going back to Greece to get married!
A few pics of the growing boy!





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