how long before Doctor helps you?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2011
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I am 34 and we have been TTC#1 for a year now. Although I only worked out my ovulation pattern last month, and am using OPKS for the first time this month.

My doctor is aware that we are trying. I was at the gynae a few months ago asking for help with hairy chin now I am off the pill cause its getting worse. He said I need an ovulation test and mentioned clomid.

Last week i thought i was pregnant, i was a week late and had very sore boobs but kept getting BFN's (used 5 tests!). Anyway doctor laughed at me and practically told me to go away.

he said we have plenty of time and need to stop worrying and try for another year naturally.

i nearly choked. I am 35 in 4 months. Surely he should be doing me an ovulation test at least?? I could be spending all the money on OPKS. CBFM and tests for nothing?

I am thinking of moving doctors, cause when I first saw him about my hairy chin he told me to shave........ w@nker
You dr sounds like an idiot. Demand an immediate referral for a fertility appointment, 12 months ttc is standard for most GP's x
I am 34 and we have been TTC#1 for a year now. Although I only worked out my ovulation pattern last month, and am using OPKS for the first time this month.

My doctor is aware that we are trying. I was at the gynae a few months ago asking for help with hairy chin now I am off the pill cause its getting worse. He said I need an ovulation test and mentioned clomid.

Last week i thought i was pregnant, i was a week late and had very sore boobs but kept getting BFN's (used 5 tests!). Anyway doctor laughed at me and practically told me to go away.

he said we have plenty of time and need to stop worrying and try for another year naturally.

i nearly choked. I am 35 in 4 months. Surely he should be doing me an ovulation test at least?? I could be spending all the money on OPKS. CBFM and tests for nothing?

I am thinking of moving doctors, cause when I first saw him about my hairy chin he told me to shave........ w@nker

Omg he sounds like a right twit! Def either request to see a diff gp or move docs, I would expect them to be running blood tests at least. Good luck hun xx
I agree hun i think you need to see a different dr as the one you have is clearly not taking you seriously xx
Def agree with the girls above hon. After one year he should at least refer you for 21 day bloods and a scan. Just go back and insist. Time is on your side but you must get the ball rolling now as waiting lists if u need treatment are long. Go back and insist hon xxxxxxx
Sorry to hear your doctor was so insensitive. I would definitely change GP's, my old one wouldn't do a thing for us and we'd been trying for almost 12 months at the time, we changed GP's and on our first appointment to meet the new GP, we got referred to an infertility clinic.

I also agree that if you do decide to change GP's, do it asap cos some appointments take weeks to come through. I used a website (think it was called PCT or something like that, not sure) to find all the GP surgeries in my area as it shows a list of surgeries, whether they're accepting new patients and current patients can leave reviews etc, it's where I found my new GP and I made my choice based on the reviews they were given.

Hope you get somewhere soon hun.

x x
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without being rude - i think when you hit 35 they recomend you onyl try for 6 months before seeking assistance. definately see another gp - he sounds like a right twat!
Deffo x I'm 35 in jan and my doc had the ball rolling 6 months ago x
The girls are right hun, after a year of trying they need to do all the tests including the 21 day test (checks for ovulation). Keep taking a note of your cycles and doing opks at home. My cycles vary every month so I had to tell the docs when to take my blood as 21 days would have been too early, that month it was actually 28 days for me. Honestly the 'specialist' nurse had no idea about that so I would keep using opks so you know when to get your blood taken for that one. The results came back that I ovulate as I'm sure yours will too.

I know what you mean about age, I'm 32, DH is 34 and we are starting to feel the clock ticking. Don't let this one w*nker doctor hold things up for you, keep pushing to get the initial tests and as soon as that's done you can get referred to your local ACU. Good luck xxx
Hiya I saw afertility doctor when i was 32 years of age,and we were trying for one year,so i got seen and i was given the laporoscopy and i was abl to conceive 2 months after the lapo.By the way i told them we were trying for two ears not one.It was alie but it got e what i wanted
I would get a new gp, yours sounds like abut of a plonker. Is there a different gp at your current surgery you can see, they may be more pro-active for you. If not then i would find another surgery. Hope you get some answers soon xxx

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