How many feeds a night?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2007
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How many times does your LO wake for a feed? Poppy goes to bed at 9pm, wakes between 2:30-3am for a feed and then again at 5:30-6am. She is then up for the day at 8:30am-9am. I'm not sure if this is too many times for her age or if other LOs are doing the same. I am currently mixing BF with a couple of bottles of hungrier formula every 3 hours. She is a hungry girl but I was hoping that she would start to need less feeding from 3 months.
Sorry to say this - but none - my daughter will be 2 months old on Saturday. She goes down about 7-7.30pm after a massive feed and sleeps through until 7am when she has another big feed. She occassionally wakes in the night, but gets herself back to sleep without crying for food.

I am a happy lady!

grace has a feed approx 8 and is always in bed by 8.30. she wakes about 4 has a bottle then goes straight back down til approx 7.30
Hi Nefisher,
There are variations from baby to baby. Anaïs stopped feeds in the middle of the night at about eight weeks and was then sleeping from 9pm until 7am. :cheer:
About four days ago she started waking for a three am feed again :shock: I went to the doctor for her three month check up today and the doctor said this was normal and not to worry! (The doctor needless to say sleeps very well thankyou :rotfl)
On the other hand my two elder children held on to feeds in the night until they were about six months. :roll:
Valentine is just a veeeeeeeeeeeery lucky girl!
I wouldnt worry about it, just be patient - she will eventually sleep thru :hug: :hug:

from around 6 weeks jake slept pretty much straight through (9pm-6am) with the odd exception) i think jake just loves his sleep like his mummy!

what am i doing wrong... Jack goes to sleep at about 8ish.. up for a feed at 12ish then 4ish then up for the day at 8! :cry: :bored:
I think at that age Nathan was maybe waking for a bottle at 4am but he started sleeping through round about that age.
melissa goes to bed at 8. ususally shes up for a feed at 4.30 then up for the day at 7.30.
but sometimes she has a pesky nite where shes up at 1.30, 3.30, 5.30 :roll:
valentine how do u do it!
alice wakes, but doesn't always need milk.sometimes a drop of water and a quick cuddle does it.
Brody woke 4 times last night! :shock:
He wanted feeding every 3 hours. I'm not sure if it's a comfort thing at the moment as he has a bit of a cold and he is teething.
It's a good night if he wakes twice! :lol:
I don't think he is ever gonna be a great sleeper!
I'm soooooooooooo tired! :lol:
maisy has her last feed at 7pm, she has her bottle and a couple of spoons of baby rice and she doesnt wake until about 7.30am. sometimes she will wake around 4am but only for her dummy
Harriet has last feed/goes to bed between 7.30-8.00pm and usually wakes for a feed between 3-4am. She then gets up about 8am. Really wish she would drop the night feed but I'm not complaining-we've got it cushy compared to some!
Alex differs every night, last night was a good night lol. He went down at 8.30, was up at 3.40am and then 6.50am for the day.
Every baby is different, I don't think I do anything differently with DS than I did with DD, but she used to sleep 12 hours solid a night.
my daughters taking 150ml feeds atm. seems to be enough for her shes 6weeks and 4days or something, not quite 2 months.

have u tried to up her feed more? whats she taking?
mines on formula :)
kellie80 said:
I think at that age Nathan was maybe waking for a bottle at 4am but he started sleeping through round about that age.

we had this problem feeds every 3 hrsodd time shed go without for 5 or 6 hrs the odd morning. after that it be every 4 with feeds upped.

my dad actually said she looked hungry lol i was like :O cause we was feeding her 125ml and he upped it by 25ml so now shes on 15ml. well 160 it ends up ion bottle but sometimes she pukes that bit up so yea she takes about 15ml now. been on it for 3-4weeks.
nefisher said:
How many times does your LO wake for a feed?

Isaac is usually asleep by 8:30pm and will wake around 5am for a BF feed, then will go back to bed, and usually gets up about 8:00am, so just the 1 feed, he too is on hungrier baby formula though.
Up until 5 months Grace went to bed at 6.30 pm - then woke at 10, 2 and 6 for a feed.

Now she goes to bed at 6.30 pm and wakes about 4 am for a feed then back to bed until 8 am.

Although I would love it if she dropped the night feed she only feeds for about 6 or 7 mins and as I am bf it is no effort. Also wonder if she dropped the night feed if she would want to be up and about much earlier ????
Christ most of your l/o's are doing really well... Freya feeds at 6pmish then 7pm and straight to bed then feeds at 1130, 230/3am and 630/7
i thought this wasnt too bad...! sometimes she will only go 2hrs between a feed! :bored:
she cant really need it as is 14lb at 12weeks old

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