How many weeks were you when 1st LO arrived?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
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Just curious as to how far gone you Mummies were when your first little one decided to make an appearance :think:

Can you also post exactly how many weeks and days you were when you first went into labour and then when baby actually arrived....

I'm beginning to think I will be pregnant forever! :shakehead: :lol:
Hi hun

I went to bed on my due date waters broke at 230 am then got induced the day after that and had emergency c-section at 1135pm . 40+2 days :D
With DS i was 39+3

With DD I was 39+4

So both a few days early.
Jacob was 8 days late! I thought I was going to be pregnant forever too :lol: I was massive at the end aswel!
Labour started with James at 38+4 and he was born 12 hours later :D
she was born on the Monday at 6 days overdue. Contractions started though Saturday night to Sunday morning then stopped for a few hours then on and off all day Sunday. They started properly around 1am Monday morning and she was born at 9.06am

When the proper ones started they were completely different- constant and really strong- unable to walk from the offset- I knew right away they meant business compared to the ones I had been having for the day before.....
Went to bed on 35+5 weeks and my waters broke around 2am of 35+6 and Dan was born at 36 weeks exactly.
Dd was 4 days early after 18 hours in labour :shock:

Dd2 was born on due date after 3 hours in labour :)
I was exactly a week overdue, but when he came he came quickly! I woke up at about 1 in the afternoon :oops: with mild pains, was examined at the hospital at 4.30 and was 4cm so officially in labour, then had him 3 and a half hours later.
Going by hospital dates I was 39 +5, but I had to have an emergency c-section coz I had pre-eclampsia so don't know when he would have arrived if that didn't happen
I had my daughter at 33+4. Praying this one stays put for longer!!
I was 42 weeks. Lucy was due on the 14th and born on the 27th.

I went into hosp on the Wed to be induced, stayed overnight went home Thur about 7:30pm had a bath and was about to sit down to eat when my waters broke, we went back to the hospital, I laboured overnight but Lucy was having declarations and other problems so we were taken for emergency section. She was born 7:15am on the Friday morning.

Oh and despite being 2 weeks over she was a petite 6lb 14oz.

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