how much washing?


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2006
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there is 2 adults and 2 kids in our house, and we wash one load nearly every day! How much does everyone else wash?
It's just me and Evie and we get through about 3 half loads a week- one light (mostly Evie), one dark (mostly mine) and a mixed colours load
I get through a at least one a day, but hubby likes his work uniform fresh everyday, so I do a light load in evenings if running short, Im also a bogger for washin towels once used once, which adds up! I really need to cut back!!
with me arron and thomas
i do 1 full load of colours/darks everyday
and 1 whites/lights every other day
far to much but thomas needs changing all the time
When we're using cloth nappies it's every other day. At the moment I do a load of pale colours on a Wednesday, another two (darks/pales) on a Friday and towels/sheets get done every other weekend.
At least one load a day. If I run out of everyday washing I wash our duvets, pillows and curtains :wink: Washed my duvet yesterday actually :)

You can't beat clean bedding :wink:
There is only me and lee and I wash every day. Come the end of the week thursday and friday I wash bedding and towels so they are clean for the weekend and then every month I wash the curtains throws stuff like that :)
Oh gosh millions! lol Well thats what it seems! At least one load a day! But more like 2-3!
Same here some times to loads BLW messy baby clothes and re-usable nappies make a lot of washing
It's just me and Dan at home and also occasionally wash the cats' beds. I usually end up letting it pile up to the ceiling and then do about 6 loads in one day or something because I'm so organised :doh:
in the summer 1-2 a day and winter 2-3 a day but there are 9 of us.
2 adults 2 kids
i wash at least once a day.weekends i generally end up with 2 loads of work clothes from OH too.bedding usually gets done on a friday.
chezzabell said:
there is 2 adults and 2 kids in our house, and we wash one load nearly every day! How much does everyone else wash?

We have the same amount of people and about the same amount of washing, maybe 2 loads somedays.
since having amber about 2-3 loads a day, i have been a bit lazy latley tho and only done it every other day and then i have to do 4 or 5 loads :roll:
Anybody tried the new washing gel for low degree washes? :think:

My lowest setting is for woollens 30/40 degrees so no point me trying it. I don't know many people who's machines do a 15 degree wash :think:
Loads but im terrible for leaving it - it wouldnt be so bad if i did it every day. Im a lazy so and so when it comes to washing!

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