How often do you bath?

Thanks for the replys ladies. I bathed my LO yesterday and for the first time she was laughing and kicking her legs. I'm going to bath her again tonight
Every night as part of the bath, bottled bed routine.

Every night unless we're out a bit later at weekends. When he was a newborn we didn't always give him a bath though as he hated it, but now he loves his bath.
Twice a week or more often if he needs it. He gets really dry skin from bathing too often.
Until Bertie was 7 weeks we just washed him down. I wanted to make sure the birth wax was well absorbed into his skin. We bath him every 2 or 3 days and it will probably increase as he gets older :roll:. He has a full strip wash at least once a day.

Our water is very very hard and I don't want to damage his skin xxxxxxx
Always bathed Lacey every night and top and tailed in the morning from a week old... i just think it helps her better with her routine xx
Long time no see Shauna! Hope you're well.

Every night too. Didn't intend to but he really loves it and it's easier when they're in seat. Found it harder in baby bath.

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Long time no see Shauna! Hope you're well.

Every night too. Didn't intend to but he really loves it and it's easier when they're in seat. Found it harder in baby bath.

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Im good thanks, hope you are too!!

Baby baths were a waste of time for us we only used it a hand full of times... was annoying carrying it with loads of water in lol. xx
Every othernight until 8 weeks when his dry skin clearedup. Now he baths every night unless we're out late - he even has toiletries at both Grandparent's houses lol x

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